Shifting with a new auto insurance carrier

by Guest » Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:21 am

A few days back I was surfing through a couple of auto insurance carrier sites when my eyes struck an online quote tool. I went on selecting through the various options till it offered me a quote that was lower than the one which I currently have with my carrier. Now that I've come across someone who's using the same carrier and has received a letter depicting a rise in premium, I'm a bit scared as to what I should be doing. Should I change my auto insurance carrier? Is it gonnabe a problem with my current carrier if I shift in with a new one?

Total Comments: 13

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:56 am Post Subject:

Please don't forget to get a new policy ahead of your canceling the current one.

This is a great point. This happened to my EX husband. When he arrived here, in PA, he cancelled the Insurance he previous had (an Insurance in Kentucky. The Insurance, he had in Kentucky, was in his dad's name.) Of course my EX thought he 'knew it all'!!LOL he didn't have Insurance for a few weeks, anyway. Was in a 'fender bender'. He tried to 'fight' the accident. make a long story short, he didn't win. When he FINALLY got Insurance, he had very high premiums to pay, PLUS the fact he didn't have Insurance at the time of the accident. He tried to blame EVERYONE!! (One of those 'type' of people if something goes wrong with HIM, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 09:31 am Post Subject:

I'm just curious to know a couple of things over here.

He tried to blame EVERYONE!!

Did your husband start believing that we don't need car insurance in PA? Didn't he consult with you?

He tried to 'fight' the accident.

Did he hire an attorney? Was he at-fault?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:17 am Post Subject: insurance

Well......he's my EX now (has been for a long time..LOL). His attitude, in EVERYTHING that happens to him (even though he brings upon himself) is someone else's fault. That's just how he is.

Didn't he consult with you?

He told me that the vehicle WAS insured..and I believed him. (good grief!!). Anyway...the accident WAS his fault. No..he didn't hire an attorney. It was just a mess!! To make a long story short,..his dad ended up paying for everything..fees,etc!!

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