Hit by a uninsured driver, is the dealership responsible?

by Guest » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:44 am

My boyfriend and I were hit by a drunk driver, hit and run but they caught him. Turns out, surprise surprise, he doesn't have insurance. The thing is he just bought the car 2 weeks ago, and I was told by the DA that he still owed on it. Would the dealership that sold him the car be responsible? What if it wasn't finaced by the dealership but a third party?
We only have liablity insurance but have the pip coverage so our medical bills are covered. But the car is totaled (it rolled and we had to be cut out) We are both relatively okay, but lots of pain, stress, etc. At this point we would just be happy to recover the costs of the totaled car, something for the horrible headaches would be nice too, but I just don't see it happening.
Is it worth it to have a lawyer if he doesn't have insurance?

Total Comments: 19

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:40 am Post Subject:



You ask:

"" Even if they are on YOUR property, don't they need some kind of insurance to DRIVE the vehicle?? ""

I'm sure some Insurance Co. will sell coverage, but I don't know of any Law that would require Insurance, or license plates, or inspection sticker, or minimum age, or etc..

Although there are more that enough *minority* groups successfully, Nit-Pickingly (is that a real word) reducing our Personal Freedoms on a daily basis. So it could at some time in the future be an requirement. [arrrrggggguuuhhhh]


PS, Thanks for the question, it triggered a fond old memory.

When I was in my early Teens one of my older brothers owned a Service Station, used/new car lot, etc., which included a Salvage Yard (we called them Junk Yards back then). One day I and a couple neighborhood friends ask "if we could piece together a car from the back lot with all the old out-dated cars and get it running, could we drive it around the Junk Yard on weekends"?? He laughed [thinking... like there's a chance a couple 13 year old kids are gonna get one of those old Junkers moving again] ... and said "Sure".

Well, it took a few weeks, but we did it..! We dubbed it the Junk Yard Beast [it was an old two door 1950's Studebaker Lark.] and we had a lot of fun along with getting a head start on our driving skills for the day we reached that magic age of 16.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:05 pm Post Subject:

Even if they are on YOUR property, don't they need some kind of insurance to DRIVE the vehicle??

No and they couldn't get it anyway if they were not licensed...and yes, 'if' they had an accident his coverage would've paid...

My dad was a 'cool' dad in some ways...he would allow us to drive from about 14 on (with him in the car teachinig us how to drive)...he also let me keep his big bad truck while he was away at training one summer for six weeks! (i was licensed by then) THAT was soooooo cool...anyway had there been an accident even though i was unlicensed i would've been covered..

my brother was allowed one night (he was 15 and not yet licensed) to take dad's truck to pick up and friend or take them home one or the other...anyway being a typical 15yr old (dumb) boy and EXACTLY like his father a lot of showing off insued...ulitmately he rolled and totaled the truck, and yes there was coverage...of course dad said he took it without his permission....

Man, Fred, I'm with you and so miss the times, when everything wasn't so 'pc' and kids are padded from head to toe before they even get on a tricycle :roll: I fear we are raising a nation of wimps...just my opinion...also I'll bet your brother was shocked that you boys got that old studebaker running! what a great childhood for a boy getting free rein in a junk yard! I'll be you were then envy of the neighborhood!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:03 pm Post Subject:

FK, seeing things from the perspective of just purchasing a vehicle to drive around the property or fix up is a whole other ball game. I personally have no problem with that. What I am talking about and should have been more clear on is a person who loses their license for drunk driving. I really think there should be stiffer penalties put into place there. After dealing with this with one of my relatives I just think owning a car without a license and a drunk driving record should be okay. Its like putting a beer in front of them telling them not to drink it and walk away. Same with the car..the keys are there just dangling waiting to ruin or even take someones life.
Lori, I am with you on the "pc" comment. If my daughter is off school we limit the time on the pc and in front of the tv. we always have her help woth things like hanging the christmas light or whatever project we can to get her outside and moving. My dad was like that. He was always finding things for us to do instead of parking our butts on front of a screen. It really makes a difference.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:18 am Post Subject:

Oh fire, girl gotta love ya'....while everything you said was absolutely dead on and i could not agree more, and after re-reading my post i sure get how you got that...but what i meant by 'pc' was all the ''political correct'' crap (sorry just my opinion)...for instance it is ''politically incorrect'' to say 'Merry Christmas' (not allowed at my company) we can no longer have Christmas partys they are 'holiday or end of year party's'... :roll: 'everyone has to get a trophy' is pc...there are no losers or competion.... :roll: :roll: just makes me want to puke.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 02:43 am Post Subject: insurance

LORI.........."Politically Incorrect to say Merry Christmas?" ...why!!?? Isn't that what it is?! Back to the thread ( a tad bit, anyway). Ok...here's a question.........( of course, ANOTHER one..LOL) If I DID let someone drive my car, shouldn't that person have insurance of their OWN to 'cover' them? Yes....I'M insured, but, I din't know if the OTHER person had to have insurance, too. However....I don't know if the 'rules' are different for Minors. My son is 15. So..obviously he's not old enough to get insurance yet.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:58 am Post Subject:

Lori, This happened at a store I use to work for in my free time. It wasn't a high paying job but it kept me from going buggy in the winter. One year they were bought by someone in the Jewish religion and we were no longer able to have Christmas parties, put up decorations in the store or even tell our customers Merry Christmas. It was really a bummer for all of us but we ended up funding our own Christmas party away from the store and I said "Merry christams " anyway.
SD, Lori can correct me if I am wrong but your insurance has to cover the driver of YOUR vehicle first. Always remember the insurance follows the car first. This is what I am going through now (and still getting no where but hey its the Holidays and I'm not thinking about it). The 23 year old girl was driving moms car...moms insurance has to pay first since it was her car.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:36 pm Post Subject:

LORI.........."Politically Incorrect to say Merry Christmas?" ...why!!??

Because, EVERYONE doesn't celebrate Christmas, and you will offend those that don't.. :roll:

If I DID let someone drive my car, shouldn't that person have insurance of their OWN to 'cover' them? Yes....I'M insured, but, I din't know if the OTHER person had to have insurance, too.

Some states allow even require people to carry non-vehicle owner insurance...most don't my state nor none close have this...insurance typcially stays with the vehicle...and is primary even if there is another policy...so if you let someone else drive your car, even if they have a vehicle of their own that is insured, and they crash it is your vehicle ins that will pay...and your premiums that will go up not theirs...

I said "Merry christams " anyway.

I do too and get corrected, by the way they made me go to the PC class twice (about six years ago)...I am the least bigotted person I know, it has nothing at all to do with that, I just think most PC stuff is well just plain old crap..You would be so surprised of all the PC garbage in the big corp world it's absolutely insane..and it's bleeding onto our children and grandchildren..i'd better stop i could get on a soap box about this and never come down.

SD, Lori can correct me if I am wrong but your insurance has to cover the driver of YOUR vehicle first. Always remember the insurance follows the car first. This is what I am going through now (and still getting no where but hey its the Holidays and I'm not thinking about it). The 23 year old girl was driving moms car...moms insurance has to pay first since it was her car.

You are correct...here's the funny thing I've actually heard people say to people....'hey can i use your car while mine is in the shop, if anything happens i'll file the claim with my insurance so you won't have a claim on yours'...and other guy says, 'ok that's fine'...well it ain't gonna happen...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 01:49 pm Post Subject:

""Because, EVERYONE doesn't celebrate Christmas, and you will offend those that don't.. ""

Sez who.

Why should one group be offended by another group mentioning the celebration of a holiday??

And more important.. What happened to "Freedom of Speech"?

Did the 1st amendment get deleted??

Who deleted it???



Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 02:08 pm Post Subject:

Sez who.

The freakin' high faluten, powers that be in every major corp, and beyond... :roll: makes me nuts no wonder they made me go to the 'pc' class twice... :roll:

Did the 1st amendment get deleted??

yeah i think it did by the 'pc' politics, as well as the she/males, or male/she's you know what i mean (no i'm not talking about gay folks, i haven't an issue with ANY)...i mean the clear push to turn men into women... :roll: i don't know the correct spelling ''endroginious'' ...it's all so freakin' stupid...i swear i don't know what on earth is wrong with people...but i'm not kidding, you get 'a talkin' to' if you say this or anything non ''pc'' and the company i work for is not alone believe me... :twisted:

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