Late premium payment effects..

by Guest » Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:48 am

Can my insurance be terminated if I get late at paying my premiums?

Total Comments: 16

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:55 pm Post Subject:

Yep SD I imagine Lori is right there. Paid is paid and unpaid is unpaid. I have mine taken automatically out of my checking account just to make sure it is never forgotten. Anyway I have Nationwide myself...going on over 12 years now. Not sure if I am going to stay though..I have found insurance cheaper..I just need to look into it a little more.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:30 am Post Subject:

firey has the right answer. Have it deducted. Trying to remember when and if it was paid will do nothing but bite you in the tush.

(cheaper? are they the exact same coverages?)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 01:01 am Post Subject:

No life thats just it it is actually better coverage. The bak referred me to this agency that finds you better rates on insurance when we had our loans combined a year ago. I checked into but do not know the companies names she found cheaper. I knew I could not switch for quite a while and that rates could change at any time so I didn't dige really deep into the matter. If it is a company with out a name that i know to be reputable I will not switch.
My insurance agent really ticked me off when I was seriouslt hurt in that accident last July. I went there a couple days after to see if they found the other persons name out and he said he would like to give me a name of a good atty he heard of. Said he didn;t know the guy personally and never got any throwbacks for referrals. He evn called a week or so later to ask how we (daughter was in with me) were doing and if I contacted that guy yet. I said "no I am not sure if I need an atty." I didn't relize the full extent of my injuries and thought I would just bounce back after a little down time...anyway..This guy...the atty actually called my house and said "i am atty so and so. I am close friends and grew up with Ed up at nationwide. He thought you may need my services" I was pissed and that was putting it mildly. By the way...I didn't get him...sounded too shady for me.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 01:05 am Post Subject:

By the way...I didn't get him...sounded too shady for me.

Good call...he's a classic ambulance chaser.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 01:06 am Post Subject:

Sorry for that firey. We aren't supposed to give recommendations to any of our policy holders.

If it is better coverage, for cheaper premium, then I say switch. You'll get a refund from Nationwide from the point of cancellation.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 01:14 am Post Subject:

Lori...thats what he sounded like to me. In fact he really wasn't the only one..I swear these atty must watch the accident reports because with in days my box was loaded with atty wanting the case. I didn't even hire one due to my disgust until I seen that I was injured for an eternity...then I got one that didn't have the audacity to contact me first.
Life...Its okay..I have had enough time to let the anger go...I am going to look into..hopefully soon..praying soon..LOL

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