Cut off and totalled, Other guy fled

by Guest » Mon May 04, 2009 04:07 am

Hi everyone,

I owned an '89 ford mustang up a hill with a high speed limit. As I was driving up the hill someone in a blue audi cut in front of me driving slower than I was. I swerved out of the way to avoid hitting him and slid off the road, through a fence, and partially down a slope. I had 3 witnesses stop.

Two of the witnesses saw me get cut off and testified that to the police. The last witness saw the guy stop at a light about 500 feet from the accident and run the light to drive away. Nobody got plates on the car.

I'm 24 years old. I was in an accident that was my fault about 5 years ago resulting in about $20,000 in damages. About 7 years ago I was in a no fault accident resulting in $500 in damages. About 7 years ago I had a a ticket for 40 in a 25 zone. 3 years ago I got a DUI. Since then I have not had anything on my record. This accident resulted in a total of my car. My insurance is giving me $4,650 (after $1,000 deductible reduction) and letting me keep the car. The tow bill was $390. About 6 posts in a County fence were knocked down in the process (which looks to be anywhere between $800 and $2,400).

Will my insurance premiums go up? How much should I be paying in insurance?

Total Comments: 19

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 02:03 am Post Subject: Hit and Run

Most of the tim the insurance company will pay you out if the person runs ONLY if you can lead to him being captured. So that uninsured motorist coverage you may or not have will not cover you in a hit and run accident. Unfortunatly in a situation like this you will hve to pay your deductible. Normally if you do not have COMP and Collision you will not be able to get your vehicle fixed.

In this situation I forgot the word for it but in a chain of events if someone hits you and causes you to hit someone or something else it goes like this:

CAR(A) ----> CAR(B) ----> (object)

car B is responsible to pay for the object
car a is responsible to pay for car B and car B's insurance company will subrogate with car a's company to get the money back from the damages to the object....but this is how it looks to the insurance company in a hit and run situation.

CAR B ------> Object

since car A drove off you are now responsible for ALL DAMAGES!

it sucks i know...but next time get a plate number or ANYTHING!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 06:07 am Post Subject:

Most of the tim the insurance company will pay you out if the person runs ONLY if you can lead to him being captured. So that uninsured motorist coverage you may or not have will not cover you in a hit and run accident.

What?? Don't we guys add the UM coverage in order to keep us covered against the hit-and-run drivers? I never knew that you have to have the information with you to receive the UM benefits.

What if I was hit in a parking lot at the night and there is no information against the driver who hit me? Wouldn't I get coverage from uninsured motorist coverage?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:13 am Post Subject:

Wouldn't I get coverage from uninsured motorist coverage?

Certainly you would if you have UMPD-to repair your vehicle or UMBI, to repair your body.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 05:11 pm Post Subject: No no no

Lori you are wrong again

UM/U1 only coveres you in ANY other case EXCEPT a Hit and run....

Simon....if you are parked over night and someone hits you...sorry buddy I hope they left a note or that you have comp/collision because YOU are paying for it....sorry....

Lori where did you get THAT information from it is 100% WRONG!!!!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:35 pm Post Subject:

UM/U1 only coveres you in ANY other case EXCEPT a Hit and run....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Simon....if you are parked over night and someone hits you...sorry buddy I hope they left a note or that you have comp/collision because YOU are paying for it....sorry....

NEVER EVER will comp pay unless an animal hit it or a vandal...collision OR UMPD..

Lori where did you get THAT information from it is 100% WRONG!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: OH, honey, you're killin' me here...i'll be back in the morning, when i'm fresher and give you some DIRECT INFORMATION ... with links and EVERYTHING.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:15 am Post Subject:

Now I'm more confused :(

Agent said:

Simon....if you are parked over night and someone hits you...sorry buddy I hope they left a note or that you have comp/collision because YOU are paying for it....sorry....

When Lori said:

Certainly you would if you have UMPD-to repair your vehicle or UMBI, to repair your body.

Now, things do differ with states, right? Is it the same thing here?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:14 am Post Subject:

Now, things do differ with states, right?


Is it the same thing here?

NO.... not in this case...UMBI, which is what most people carry covers the injuries an insured receives caused by an uninsured driver...(or phantom hit and run driver)...UMPD, covers the damage to your vehicle caused by an uninsured (or hit and run, unknown person/vehicle) your vehicle..if you have collision coverage most people don't carry UMPD, some do though in some states it's a set deductible for everyone on UMPD, so some do carry it in addition to collision coverage...

Now, per CA (which 007 is so sure about)...


Uninsured motorist vehicle coverage comes into play whenever anyone who is insured is injured by a driver who is uninsured or underinsured (does not have enough insurance to pay for the damages caused). An uninsured driver includes a hit-and-run driver, so long as there is some actual contact from the hit-and-run driver's vehicle.


Uninsured motorist coverage is intended to compensate you for both your financial and your non-financial losses which you sustain, and for which you have a legal claim as a result of the negligence of an uninsured, underinsured, or hit-and-run driver


And directly from the CA Dept of Ins.

Will pay you and your passengers for BODILY INJURY cause by a negligent uninsured motorist, a hit-and-run driver, or by a driver whose insurer is insolvent.

Will pay for damages to your automobile, set up to a limit, when caused by a negligent unisured motorist.

Now 007 Hopefully this answers your uninformed, rude rebuttal,

Lori you are wrong again

UM/U1 only coveres you in ANY other case EXCEPT a Hit and run....

Lori where did you get THAT information from it is 100% WRONG!!!!

along with this little ditty you left in my quick message box,

Lori you have to realize that your state does not have practices like most states since you do not have as many people in your state as other states. I know that you are speakig with people to help them but remember it is a state by state basis

I agree all states are different however seriously doubt that it has ANYTHING to do with the sizes of the state...

Look I don't pretend to know everything, in fact I find out I don't multiple times a day...but there are a few things that I know quite a bit about...THIS happens to be one of them...You aren't on the claims side of the biz for over 20years and not pick up ANYTHING at all...this is all policy 101 information...for your sake I hope you are not or have not given your insured's this mis-information, and they find out different that my friend is bad faith, and likely a big fat E and O claim as well..

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 06:42 pm Post Subject:

as I have said before it is state by state....most states that I HAVE SEEN UM/U1 does NOT cover a hit and run driver....

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 09:43 pm Post Subject:

as I have said before it is state by state

I'll agree to that although I don't know any state that does not recognize a hit and run under UM (bi or pd-what states have you 'seen' this in? And what states are you licensed in?)... ...The point is that is not all you said!

Lori you are wrong again Lori where did you get THAT information from it is 100% WRONG!!!!

most states that I HAVE SEEN UM/U1 does NOT cover a hit and run driver....

Yeah, like your home state of CA? :roll:

Before you call me out so rudely you might want to check the very state you are doing business in, to make sure of your facts, before you tell me I'm 100% wrong, and wonder where my information comes from :x (it comes by the way from over 20 years in the P&C claims biz)...I don't mind at all being called out, if I'm wrong or another has another opinion opposite of mine, not an issue, ..however the arrogant and rude way you went about it ticked me off..... :x most particularly since you had no clue what you were talking about even in your OWN STATE, (ok i'm being rude now, sorry but think you had some coming :wink: )...I REALLY don't understand, how you could even question it when your 'home' state clearly says otherwise....have you recently moved there?

Ok, this is done, an apology for your arrogancy would be nice, but I won't hold my breath...

by the way what is ''U1"?

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