I got rear ended in an accident

by Shondrell Mccullough » Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:54 am

I got rear ended in an accident with no insurance the other parties insurance won't pay for my car repairs what do I do.

Total Comments: 55

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:07 pm Post Subject: question

what course of action should I take? situation: I'm stopped at a red light and a van rear ends me. Light hadn't turned green nor had I just stopped. The guy says let's pull up and figure this thing out. As I'm about to pull over on the next block, he instead makes a right turn and tries to get away. He is obviously trying to get away from me, I reverse and follow him and finally catch him. At this point he comes out and acts as if nothing happened, so I ask why he went speeding away. He says he saw a cop coming. Now I tell my girlfriend to call the police b/c something isn't right. Turns out the guy has no license, no insurance and his girlfriend (who is maybe the owner of the car has expired insurance). The guy also is an illegal alien. She pleads with me to let him go b/c he'll get deported, obviously I tell her its not up to me and he won't get deported either way. He is taken away by the police. I have full coverage. I just moved to Chicago and my plates and insurance still show my Dallas, TX address. A police report was filed. What course of action should I take? Take the hit, repair the damages and see what, if any money, I can get out of them? Report it to the insurance company? thanks

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 01:02 pm Post Subject:

What course of action should I take?

You have collision coverage on your vehicle correct? Turn in the claim to your carrier they will repair your vehicle (minus your deductible), then they will pursue the 'at fault' parties involved including your deductible. Now what are the chances they will get it? pretty slim to be honest...

Report it to the insurance company?

yep...and hope for the best...all states have either insurance or financial responsiblity laws..so your carrier (after making payment) will pursue those remedys...On a personal note, I'd contact the prosecuting attorney that is handling the case, and let them know that you would like them to add restituion to the case...but you and I both know this joker will never show up for court anyway, assuming they've let him out...especially if he's illegal...only real hope is that your carrier can get the girlfriend/vehicle owner to pay some back...


you're welcome, I wish the news was better...great job by the way...chasin' that jerk down, and holding him for the cops..awesome! maybe just maybe one illegal on their way back home.. :sun:

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 08:58 pm Post Subject:


Yes I have collision coverage.

Total estimate is $2,600 for the damage, my deductible is $500.

Wait, can resort to calling INS and have them deported if they don't pay up at least the deductible? :D

thanks for all the insight!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:01 pm Post Subject:

Wait, can resort to calling INS and have them deported if they don't pay up at least the deductible?

:) Works for me whether they pay anything or not..boot 'em :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 04:33 am Post Subject:

i live in washington state...i got rear ended with no insurance ..we exchanged information and called there insurance company..what will happen?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:20 am Post Subject:

They will call you for a statement (maybe-should) then discuss your vehicle repairs and if there are any injuries...if they have a good ins. policy that is...maybe they don't have insurance either.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:16 pm Post Subject:

i live in louisiana and i was rear ended sitting still at a light i let my insurance lapse but restored it the day of the accident.Is the party that caused the wreck still responsible

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:20 pm Post Subject:

there was a police report the other party was at fault but i recieved a call from my insurer saying since i let my coverage lapse the other party isnt responsible for my medical bills or fixing my car.Is that true if so what can i do.Thanks

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:40 pm Post Subject:

Is the party that caused the wreck still responsible

yes, but maybe they are uninsured as well... :wink:

i recieved a call from my insurer saying since i let my coverage lapse the other party isnt responsible for my medical bills or fixing my car.Is that true if so what can i do

Yep, in LA appears so, they have VERY strict no pay no play law, that says you cannot collect the first 10k in damages (physcial or injury) WOW!

In Louisiana if you do not have liability coverage on your car at the time of an accident, the “No Pay, No Play” law would apply, whether you are a LA state resident or from another state that requires you to be insured. Under the Louisiana no pay/no play law an individual who does not have liability insurance cannot collect for the first $10,000 of damages in an accident, no matter who is at fault. The driver should not be able to claim for the first $10,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses and the first $10,000 in property damage.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 04:21 am Post Subject:

So, tonight I was driving home from work when i see a dog up ahead run out into the street.... I hit the breaks and the dog ends up somewhere near my right tire (i didnt hit him because he was no where to be seen when i got out of my car) ... a few seconds later the girl behind me on the main road hits me. My friend just told me that because its an animal i will be at fault... Is this true?

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