Can a person without a valid drivers license aquire auto ins

by crilleypopo » Fri May 08, 2009 08:59 pm

most interested in coverage for passangers in the car with non drivers licensed driver

Total Comments: 48

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 04:47 am Post Subject: insurance

(Just venting, I suppose) I know someone who went to get insurance and was told she couldn't get any..........because she didin't have a valid DL's. She was trying to tell the Insurance company that SHE was told she didn't need one. She drives her car all the time........but, of course, she doesn't have a DL's or Insurance. Sometimes she doesn't live in 'reality'. She told me she "got a lawyer and he said she 'has grounds' to sue this particular Insurance company for refusing to sell her Insurance." I'll tell ya!!.......personal?..I'm getting tired of hearing how 'blind' she really is!! Any comments?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 04:37 pm Post Subject:

If a vehicle is registered/licensed for use on the public highways, all states generally require the vehicle to be insured for liability to others in order to be registered. The "registered owner" has the responsibility to do that. Whether the RO has a driver license or not is immaterial.

Having said this, a person who knowingly drives without insurance is a MORAL/MORALE hazard to the insurance company, and could be legitimate grounds to deny coverage. Demonstrating a bit more personal responsibility by getting a driver license will work wonders.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 04:24 am Post Subject: рецеп&

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Лави обреченно кивнула, понимая, что он не отвяжется, и начала рассказывать.* * *
А ты будешь утверждать, что телепатия существует? набычился тот.
Благодарю, пока не стоит, отказался маршал.
вспоминая кошмар, обрушившийся на его родной мир.
Уже светает… несколько невпопад проворчал Гласс, не верящий в изменения к лучшему.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 06:11 am Post Subject: разгр&

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Расскажи-ка мне подробно обо всем.
Здравствуй! обратился к Альмии нежный голосок. Ты новая ученица Кержака?
Посольство заняло совсем немного места, а на всей остальной выделенной им территории Аарн разбили общедоступный парк. Но что это был за парк! Невозможные, невиданных форм и цветов деревья, огромные алые и синие цветы на белоснежных и прозрачно-зеленых стволах, маленькие озерца с белыми кувшинками, десятки беседок, каждая из которых являлась произведением искусства. Летающие в воздухе многоцветные клочья то ли тумана, то ли паутины. Сотни пушистых, красивых, постоянно ластящихся к детям зверушек совершенно непривычного вида.
Шли на самом деле недолго, в глубоком овраге неподалеку находилась небольшая деревня партизан. Сверху ее скрывали сети, покрытые зеленью. Впрочем, скорее всего, чужаки вообще не искали такие деревни, им плевать было на прячущихся фарсенцев. Если случайно напарывались, уничтожали, а специально вряд ли искали, не стоило тратить на это силы. Любой понимал, что особого вреда партизаны, не имеющие никакого серьезного вооружения, нанести не могут. Ну, разве что подстрелить какого-нибудь офицера или нескольких солдат, не более того. Иногда еще взорвать что-нибудь самодельной бомбой.
Некогда мне! попробовал было возмутиться Никита, то это оказалось равносильным попытке сдвинуть гору с места руками.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 01:31 pm Post Subject:

Hi all,
With rules it is must to have driving license who drives the car. You can easily get insurance with having driving license but for the safety point of view driver must have the license.

Car Breakdown Cover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 08:41 pm Post Subject:

Depending on the state, if a person driving without a drivers license is pulled over, it is possible they will be taken off to jail.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 08:53 pm Post Subject:

There are several insurance companies in the border states that insure drivers without a drivers license.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 09:04 pm Post Subject:

I suppose it is better to be insured and unlicensed then uninsured and unlicensed.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:52 am Post Subject: Need A Break

I used to own a Dodge Dakota pu that was covered with liability. I lost my drivers license because of DUI. My son received his driver license so I gave him the truck we transfered it to him. We purchased insurance briefly until someone put trash in the tank. Since then it has been parked almost a year now. I am disabled and he is stuck without a vehicle what can we do as we have found out it is way to expensive for insurance in his name. Should we transfer it back to my name just for ins reasons? We live in Louisiana. He will be 20 this year and is not working.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:52 am Post Subject: Need A Break

I used to own a Dodge Dakota pu that was covered with liability. I lost my drivers license because of DUI. My son received his driver license so I gave him the truck we transfered it to him. We purchased insurance briefly until someone put trash in the tank. Since then it has been parked almost a year now. I am disabled and he is stuck without a vehicle what can we do as we have found out it is way to expensive for insurance in his name. Should we transfer it back to my name just for ins reasons? We live in Louisiana. He will be 20 this year and is not working.

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