Can a person without a valid drivers license aquire auto ins

by crilleypopo » Fri May 08, 2009 08:59 pm

most interested in coverage for passangers in the car with non drivers licensed driver

Total Comments: 48

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:02 am Post Subject:

In Kentucky we cannot get a name off the title until both parties agree

Thsi is true. I use to live in Kentucky. My husband ( the time) and I had a vehicle in both names (the Title, I mean). He wanted to ell it and get a "more expensive car." ( I really don't know why, since the car we had was just fine for now). Anyway..he tried to sell it from 'under my nose'. Yep...............I refused to take my name off of the Title. Too make a long story short, it couldn't legally be sold that way.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:53 am Post Subject:

Have you tried contacting the state police "anonymously" and asking what your options are in this matter. Maybe even a trip to the courthouse could help you. If you would report her maybe since she is the one driving it she would be the only one held responsible. I would make as many calls as possible before she does get in an accident and it effects your life.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:44 pm Post Subject: insurance

Mmmm..........obviously your friend can't drive legally. And, if the friend DOES get into an accident, the OTHER Insurance Co will go after you. So..........yep, I would be making some calls. I know you don't want your friend arrested, but, you may not have a choice.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 01:06 pm Post Subject: owning a car w/o license

my mother does not drive, never had a driver's license. my father passed away. can she still own the car, buy insurance and have someone drive her around in that car when needed?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 03:33 pm Post Subject:

In Illinois and Indiana a person who has never been licensed in the US can buy insurance and in fact they do quite frequently. You may ask your self "Why do they want Ins if they don't have a license?"
If they get pulled over, they will get a ticket for not having a valid drivers license, if they have no insurance they will gtet an additional ticket for driving without insurance. Having the Ins gets them out of a potential 2nd or 3rd ticket.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 05:42 pm Post Subject:

well i dont know if in my state lets us do that i just had that questions? :) [/u]

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 04:40 pm Post Subject: insurance

Well....I don't think you can force your friend to stop driving. But, you DID say that YOU don't have the car insured, friend is driving without Insurance..correct? Some (auto) laws, in Kentucky, can be tough. Is it possible you can talk a Lawyer, in your state, explain everything, and 'so from there'? I would like an 'update', on this issue. (Just very curious what you find out).

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 01:36 pm Post Subject: auto insurance

I need to get a car that I've been given signed over into my name, but to do so I have to insure the car. I am temperarily without a license. Can I get the insurance so my fiance can use the car. Pa. Driver.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 02:34 pm Post Subject:

The "legal owner" of a motor vehicle may insure the vehicle with or without a driver license (think of a corporation that owns vehicles). However, without a driver license, you may not be listed as an insured driver. Your fiancee may be listed as an insured driver, your next door neighbor may be listed as in insured driver. The driver with the "worst" insurability will largely affect the rate for the coverage.

Since it may be unlawful to operate an unregistered motor vehicle on a public highway, and in most states one is required to insure a vehicle in order to register the vehicle, do not plan on operating the vehicle without either insurance or registration.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 03:55 pm Post Subject: Getting Insurance

If you look up an insurance company called insurance doctors they may be able to find a good fit for you if you do not have a driver's licenses they work with several different companies to find the right match.

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