
by goodnatured » Fri Nov 21, 2008 05:15 pm

Last year I had a piece of debri from the road fly up and crack my windshield and crack it two days after my inspection. I called my insurance company only to find out that I do not have glass, I had it on my prior policy, this one was supposed to have the same coverage but I found out through experience that it does not.

Anyway, since the crack was near the bottom I waited till my next inspection, next week to get the windshield replaced. Since I had glass on my last policy I know that it was around $250 to replace one, I always had to pay the deductable of $50.

So now with no glass coverage, I shopped and found two shops that could replace my windsheild for $160, that included them coming and picking up the vehicle at my job.

My question is, why is it more for the insurance company to replace the windshield than if I pay for it out of pocket.

I am glad it is the lower price, but I think these prices on repair affect the cost our insurance premium. Is this common practice and why do the insurance carriers let this go on.

Total Comments: 51

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:36 pm Post Subject:

Good natured, so glad to hear you got a good deal, and better yet you have aquired a lot of information from this forum, as well as providing great posts and help to others yourself...thank you for that too!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 02:10 am Post Subject:

My point exactly, I used the knowledge that I have gathered here through discussion. I never would have known to ask half the questions that I did if it were not for this forum.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 05:08 pm Post Subject:

You know, if insurance companies had to compete for our business and premiums based on how their claims handling process was conducted, and everyone shopped for a better rate every year, all insurers would spend more money on retaining insureds instead of sponsoring sports tourneys and advertising how good a neighbor, how great their hands are, how you're part of their family, how they're on your side, how special they are when you're under their roof instead of raising your premiums because you fall into a predetermined risk category regardless of claims history.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 01:05 am Post Subject:

Guest, It kind of sounds like you may have had a bad experience with an insurance company. I am sure at one time or another we all have. This is why it is so important to know that you have that option to shop around for insurance. If you feel your insurance comapny had not handled a claim properly then you have the choice in whether ti renew with that company.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 05:25 am Post Subject:

God I am so glad that I never had to file a claim with the company that I just left, honest to god I bet I would have been screwed. I had a simple glass claim that I had to replace my own wind shield on and they did not pay for.

I have learned enough here to know the difference between what I can get for a lower price or pay the higher price and get the proper protection. I can tell the biggest difference was when I was shopping I was always quoted the limited tort option. Call me scared, but I have always carried full tort and that is something that is not negotiable in our household. Have seen too many get screwed with that option.

I know enough from coming here to ask and not assume that they are putting in the policy what I need and want in it.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:49 pm Post Subject:

This is a good example of why I have pretty much remained with the same company. I have been looking into switching but I want a place that I can go and sit down and talk about the policy and policy benefits. I know a lot of people will sign up on line and avoid using an agent but myself I am not that educated in the insurance world and do not want to take the chance. It may seem like you are saving a few bucks on a policy and then something happens and all that savings goes out the window. I will stick with an agent and sitting down and going through every part of the policy.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 03:53 am Post Subject:

I called a few companies, I have to say that the questions have to come from your end. I think they honestly think that they are doing the best that they can do for you and if you don't speak up that is exactly what you will end up with, what they think is best for you. So it is up to you to make sure that you know enough to put the right policy in place.

they all kept trying to give me limited tort and kept expressing how much money I would save if I changed to limited tort. I would not have that so they let me have what I wanted. I just don't feel comfortable with limited tort.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 01:47 am Post Subject:

Do not ever take a limited tort offer! Why would they even push something like this? I remember when we first got insurance they pushed for it and we took it. My husband was in a really bad accident during this time. A truck side swiped his work truck and cut his hand really bad. It severed nerves and he had to have alot of work dome. We carried limited tort and he never seen a dime for all this. His hand is still messed up a bit. He will lose the feeling and things will just drop out of it. It was a good lesson.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 03:00 am Post Subject:

When you are shopping it is a big price drop to pick up the limited tort, but I have always carried full tort and always will as a protective measure for me and my family. I have always carried the max of the insurance available, lately to save some money I have dropped some of my coverages down, but they are still very sufficient to protect us. One thing that I have never even given a second thought is the tort option, there are two many people that drive with no insurance so full tort will completely cover us no matter what the situation.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 08:17 am Post Subject:

Do not ever take a limited tort offer! Why would they even push something like this?

‘Limited tort” option is kinda vintage now-a-days, it may lower the premium rate for the policy holder but at the same time puts the motorist and his/her family at risk of losing huge compensation for pain-and-suffering, though you can still sue the other driver for the medical expenses.

I'm sorry to hear that you have learned the lesson in the hard way, but any lesson is a step to secure your future.

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