
by goodnatured » Fri Nov 21, 2008 05:15 pm

Last year I had a piece of debri from the road fly up and crack my windshield and crack it two days after my inspection. I called my insurance company only to find out that I do not have glass, I had it on my prior policy, this one was supposed to have the same coverage but I found out through experience that it does not.

Anyway, since the crack was near the bottom I waited till my next inspection, next week to get the windshield replaced. Since I had glass on my last policy I know that it was around $250 to replace one, I always had to pay the deductable of $50.

So now with no glass coverage, I shopped and found two shops that could replace my windsheild for $160, that included them coming and picking up the vehicle at my job.

My question is, why is it more for the insurance company to replace the windshield than if I pay for it out of pocket.

I am glad it is the lower price, but I think these prices on repair affect the cost our insurance premium. Is this common practice and why do the insurance carriers let this go on.

Total Comments: 51

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 03:59 am Post Subject:

Well, some times that is what it takes. I have learned alot learning the hard way. In fact I got my policy in the mail today, (hard copy) and called them up and reviewed it one more time to make sure that it was full tort and that everything we discussed on the phone was actually in the policy. I feel comfortable with what I have now, every thing is in order and I am saving quite a bit.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 06:29 pm Post Subject:

Whom dod you find to carry your coverage Good natuered? I am glad to see you did not just put the hard copy in the filing cabinat and called and reviewed it wiht the company instead. This is a very wise move on your part. Definatly should savbe a headache in case anything would happen further down the line.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 04:38 am Post Subject:

I went with GEICO, they seemed to have the best coverage for the price. We used to have them on our motorcycle. I used to have another big company that took out a government wlelfare for survival but then the whole deal was approved and paid out.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 01:39 am Post Subject:

Gosh my arm must really be getting bad..either that my my last post was full of typos..I may try to go with Geico someday..whenever..if ever..this all comes to a close!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 03:53 am Post Subject:

I did a comparison with three different reputable companies or shall I say well known companies, Geico had the lowest with the same coverage that the other ones have. They also have good driver rewards hopefully I will continue to get the discounts that should fall into place if we have no claims. AIG had this same deal but it kept going up, never got any breaks from them, only increases. So I switched.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 06:27 pm Post Subject:

When they do good driver rewards I wonder if deer damage accounts in there in any way. I too have a really great driving record and will hopefully be looking for another insurance company soon. We already get good driver discounts, multiple policy discounts and a discount from having our payment automatically deducted from our checking. This is why I would worry about switching. Hubby actaully hit no deer this year but last year Three "ran into him". I would like to know if it counts against the good driving record or how I can find an naswer to this question.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 05:48 am Post Subject:

I am not sure if they count or not, my husband had two bucks run into his new company truck on the same night, chasing each other and did not see that big red pick up truck. He only had it a week, that was like two months ago, he gets it fixed here on January 12th, it goes on the company insurance, nothing on his driving record or anything. Nothing ever came up, but it was the company truck, don't know about a personal vehicle.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:44 am Post Subject:

doubtful that a comp/deer hit would surface, they are rarely if ever on a driving record, which is what they run..however they could show up on the 'clue' report showing an insurance accident.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 03:58 pm Post Subject:

I actually think it may have shown up on a clue report. I have been shopping around for different prices and remember the bank giving me the number of someone who could help get me better rates on insurance. I gave her our information and she said she may have trouble getting comp put on the s-10 dues to the number of deer hits. (about 1-2 for a couple years and unbelieably none last year). Wouldn't matter anyway cause its a work truck and people have tons of these truck parts laying around. So anyway we should still be able to egt the good drivers credit right?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 04:28 pm Post Subject:

yes, as long as no tickets etc...your 'driving' record will stay in tact and should qualify for that discount.

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