Refusal of Insurance Claim

by Guest » Thu Apr 14, 2011 02:55 am

I was at my ex-boyfriends house for a Superbowl party. I passed out after drinking. The ex-boyfriend or an attendant of the party stole my car and hit this ladies car. The police report has witnesses (including the owner)who saw a young man driving my car. It was a hit-and-run. The person returned the car. When I saw my car I reported that it had be damaged. I broke up with the my ex-boyfriend that weekend because I believed he was covering for someone. The insurance company (Martha Zink)investigates this matter. At first they claimed that I wasn't covered, then they changed that story when they saw that I was. Martha Zink apparently goes to my ex-boyfriends house to ask him does he know who created the damage. He committs perjury and tells them that I am the person who created the damage at an earlier time, although there are no police reports of another car accident in this area. Martha Zink decides to believe him (ex-boyfriend) over the police, witnesses, and myself and refuses to cover the damage. They also are defiling my character by saying that I am the person who caused this accident for other insurance companies to increase my coverage.

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 03:52 am Post Subject:

First... was the police report filed as a theft of the vehicle?

Second, what part of the claim are they denying? Even if you were driving they should not deny collision coverage on your vehicle and/or liability coverage for the damage to the other vehicle. If they have deny any portion of the claim then they have sent you a written denial. What did the letter state? If it's not denied in writing, then it's not been denied.

Third, this is not Health insurance where you posted this and you did not need to post it 3 times.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 06:26 am Post Subject:

Yes, it's very important to know the cause of such a denial.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:49 am Post Subject:

First off, "Martha Zink" is not an insurance company. If anything, it is an insurance agency, and insurance agencies are not involved in investigating claims. So something here is amiss.

As tcope has said, if you had insurance, even if you were driving, you had coverage, and it was your fault (after all, by your own admission, you were drunk, and might have driven the car without realizing it -- not that I'm saying you did), there is probably nothing for the insurance company to deny. They cannot deny your own damages (if you have collision coverage) unless they are fraudulent.

If you believe there is a problem, we cannot solve it for you, and you probably need an attorney to represent your interests.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 06:24 pm Post Subject:

Next time, be careful with the insurance company your dealing with and in choosing your boyfriend. :D

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