Who is check made out to?

by Guest » Thu Dec 13, 2007 01:00 am

Hi. Someone hit my car 2 days ago and the estimate showed damages for $3500 or so. Would it be possible for the other person's company to mail me a check rather than the shop a check? Also, is it legal if I choose to keep the money rather than actually repair my car? Thanks

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 05:32 am Post Subject: Alas!

Well...there are some things in life we always dream that they happen the way we want them to. Alas! its not always upto our wishes in life!
All the best!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 05:50 am Post Subject: Right cause

Would it be possible for the other person's company to mail me a check rather than the shop a check?

Even if there is a possibility, I don't see any reason why the other party would do it. I understand your point that if after all they need to pay it out of their pocket, then its not their business any more to know what you might be doing with it. But I'm sure they'd have to make sure that there is another party who knows that they made a payment towards the right cause!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 05:57 am Post Subject: Empathize

Hi sz9182,

Why don't you empathize with the party at-fault. Put your self in his shoes n you'll find whether you'd have written a check to him if you'd have been the party at-fault. Would you ?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 06:02 am Post Subject:

Hey there, I've come across so many of the likewise cases in my life, but never did I come across such a solution. Even when I see your reason clearly, I find no reason why would the other party trust you in this age of Con artists performing fraudulent activities day-in & day-out!

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