what are my rights if

by susan » Fri Nov 16, 2007 01:35 am
Posts: 1
Joined: 16 Nov 2007

what are my rights if someone hit my car and they didn't own the vehicle? I do not have insurance and the driver who hit me was a drunk driver. The police report clearly indicates he was at fault and provides the owners information. I've made numberous attempts to contact the owner and driver to no avail. Please help!

Total Comments: 5

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 08:59 am Post Subject:

Hi susan, welcome on board.

I guess you have the insurance detail of the car-owner also as you have his contact details, if so, file your claim with his carrier. The insurance company will then inform their customer about it.


Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 09:38 am Post Subject:

I've made numberous attempts to contact the owner and driver to no avail

It seems that your calls have fallen into the deaf-ear of the car owner. You really need some loud music to make him hear. :x

I would rather agree with Rupert, go ahead and file a claim with his insurer, or else, pay him visits. Stop by his place and tell him that you are going to file a claim with his insurer and he should better be responsive. You may also take the help of the local police in this regard.


Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:32 am Post Subject:

Good morning Susan and welcome...

what are my rights if someone hit my car and they didn't own the vehicle?

Insurance typcially stays with the vehicle, if the person driving the vehicle (subject to any policy exclusions) and he was a permissive driver then the policy covering the vehicle will cover him. If the vehicle also had no insurance, and the drivers has a policy it will jump to this vehicle.

I do not have insurance and the driver who hit me was a drunk driver.

Was your vehicle parked? Outside your house or something? Or were you driving it? Or do you/have you been driving it? Why is your vehicle uninsured? I'm gonna try and restrain myself, with the answer/comment to that untill you answer those questions... :roll:

The police report clearly indicates he was at fault and provides the owners information

Does the police report show who insures the vehicle if so call them and make a claim. If not contact the police see if they have or will help you get that information. Or contact your DMV and see if they will give you that information. I think most states now require proof of insurance when registering and renewing registration on vehicles. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the insurance is still in force.

I've made numberous attempts to contact the owner and driver to no avail.

I'll bet! Probably not insured either, but maybe just trying to skirt a claim. I wouldn't advise going to their house, unless you take someone with you. I assume you are a woman, and am assuming the driver to be male? Even if not they are going to be pissed!

Please provide answers to the questions posed also a full discription of the accident and the state you live in please, and we will be better equiped to assist you.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:22 pm Post Subject:

If the vehicle which hit your car is insured, you can ask for details of the insurance company from the police, and contact the company directly ask for a claim. They will talk to the vehicle owner.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:37 pm Post Subject:

Hi I think you shouldn't only receive compensation from the driver, but the guy should also pay penalties for mixing drinks with driving. I'm sure that DUI will come after him.

But it seems that even after very serious efforts, laws are falling short to curb this offense, and for these careless offenders many like us, suffer. We surely need to raise the level of awareness among the people because if you are caught for drunk driving you may even end up being behind the bars.

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