isn't your car insurance company supposed to give you a 10%

by o1Happy_Gilmore1o » Thu Feb 21, 2008 05:15 am

i got a speeding ticket in October of 2007. i completed my defensive driving by the first of November and sent my insurance company cirtificate of completion. i called them today because i still haven't recieved any discount and they told me that they have it in my file but that i was not eligible for any discount at this time unless i upgrade my plan to a newer one.

Total Comments: 5

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:37 pm Post Subject: from before or not!

Hi, so you had your insurance prior to Oct, 07? Otherwise, I'm not being able to get what you mean by "my insurance company". Either they have accepted your application or they have not. Please make it a bit vivid.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 07:01 am Post Subject:

Are you asking for discount on premium rate? One thing for sure, that the insurance company can't revise your rate at the middle of the term. Therefore, you need to wait for the next renewal date. If your can keep your record clean this period they may consider your application for premium discounts. But remember any extra ticket in your license may increase your premium instead of lowering it.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 07:07 am Post Subject:

isn't your car insurance company supposed to give you a 10%

For what!! taking defensive driving lessons? Which state are you from? and insurance company is this?

The insurer may have decided to wait for some time and monitor you driving record before actually considering your application for discounts. You may wish to elaborate your question little more and wait for the responses from the experts of this community.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 01:53 pm Post Subject:

I think it depends on the term both you and the company agreed.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 04:41 pm Post Subject:

Many companies are steering away from giving discounts for taking defensive driving. They are starting to realize most people only take defensive driving when they have had a ticket and not just for the discount.

By giving a discount for taking defensive driving, they are actually rewarding most people for breaking traffic laws, which defeats the purpose of promoting safe driving.

I know many companies now require certain employees to take defensive driving as part of their employment, but the number of people taking it for employment reasons is far smaller than those wanting to expunge something from their driving record.

Also, some carriers do not add the discount mid-term. Check your policy at the next renewal and see if it shows up at that time.

If they don't offer the discount at all, consider the removal of your ticket through defensive driving a 10% discount itself since you won't be surcharged on your policy for the ticket.

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