Hi - thanks in advance

by Guest » Thu Jul 16, 2009 02:42 am

Hi - thanks in advance for your advice.
I was involved in an automobile accident this past April. The other driver is at fault - he was speeding and ran a stop sign and t-boned my car. I was taken to the ER by ambulance and treated for shoulder and neck pain. I have since had to follow up with my regular physician and have undergone 2 months of physical therapy so far (still working through it) - they've diagnosed it has severe muscle strain in my neck and shoulder.
I have a no-fault medical coverage under my insurance company, so they have covered all the medical bills so far, which is around $10,000 so far (ambulance, ER, Catscan, MRI, 2 months rehab, regular dr. visit). A friend told me that double-dipping is allowed in VA, and so the other person's insurance policy should pay me for the medical bills. Is this true?
The bodily injury claim is still pending as I'm still in treatment, but I'm also trying to figure out how much of a settlement I can expect including "pain & suffering". I don't really want to have to get a lawyer involved and would rather just be able to negotiate this myself, but have never gone through something like this before.
Thanks again for any advice.

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 08:34 am Post Subject:

Well Guest, may be the Medpay insurer wouldn't seek for recovery but the health insurer may if you have to use your health coverage towards treatment.

Remember, the at-fault driver's insurance company would only pay at the settlement. Therefore, you might have to use your heath coverage to pay the medical bills once the Medpay limit crosses.

The bodily injury claim is still pending as I'm still in treatment,

If you are still receiving treatment IMO it’s quite early to consider settlement.

What is the statute of limitation in your state to settle BI claims?

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