Car backs into me, lies to the police that I was also moving

by Ijcomposer » Wed Mar 31, 2010 03:24 pm

I backed out of a parking space, and while stopping to put the car in drive a car rammed into the passenger side of my car. The mother of the young driver jumped out of the car and shouted to him "didn't you see her?" She mentioned fixing the car without reporting it to the insurance co., but after seeing the damage said she couldn't pay for it herself. She called the police. While waiting, she changed her story that we we backing out at the same time. I refused to discuss anything else seeing that she was building up her lies. The police arrived and went to her first to get her story. Although I couldn't hear what she was saying, it was obvious was really laying the lies on heavy. He then took down my story. I was shocked when I received the police report that we were both backing up at the same time. Well I have a $500. deductible and her insur. co. will only pay for half.
Now it seems I am out of 500. even though my co. agrees that I WAS Not at fault. The interesting thing is everyplace that examines my car states that the damages to my car clearly show that he backed into my car with much force. What can I do? I am an excellent driver, and have never caused an accident.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 06:52 pm Post Subject:

As pointed out by these shops, in many (not all) cases it's fairly easy to tell by the damage which vehicle was stationary and which one was moving. Your insurer and the other driver's, will mostly likely be taking statements so this event, regardless of what the police report says may be in your favor. Your carrier and their's adjuster will be taking this information from the shop into consideration.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 07:48 pm Post Subject:

Chances are that you will be assigned some fault, even if its 10%. If you weren't there it would not have happened.
No company wants to pay period. If I were you I would make sure that your company knows the truth and the fact that the damage to your vehicle supports that is good. Beyond that, let the companies fight it out and try not to lose sleep over it. Its beyond you control and you know what really happened.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:13 pm Post Subject:

Where was the damage on the other person's car? Why are they offering you 50%? I'd make the other company's adjuster spell it out for you in detail. Have you discussed this offer with your company and what is their position on it? Have they made any offer to other driver?

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