my mother died leaving no will .she had an ex-husband who ap

by marysims810 » Tue Apr 13, 2010 07:52 pm

my mother died leaving no will. someone her ex husband got her assets through general motors. she was very sick the 4 years of her life to the put she didn't even know her name. her ex husband abused her very badly physically,mentally,verbally. my brothers and i have pictures and court documents of the abuse,restraining orders and etc. what makes in so bad is that he is a physcologist in the flint,mi area. he also abused me and my brothers. she did have a divorce decree which said he had no rights?

what legal recourse can we take at this point to get the money from him?

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 03:18 am Post Subject:

I'm sorry for what happened to your mum
Get yourself a good lawyer quick so he will know that the court is waiting and that way he won't spend it all.
Get yourself a good lawyer too, it always helps.

wish you the best of luck !!!

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 03:40 am Post Subject:

What money? This isn't a question for us, it's a question for an attorney. There's a lot of work ahead if you're going after this, and the answers for you do not lurk on the internet.

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