how do we locate our a life insurance policy our mother left

by redmonds girl » Tue Aug 03, 2010 08:56 pm

our mother passed away 2 1/2 years ago. she had always told us about this policy she had for us for years and right up until 3 months before she died. a jealous source told us she cancelled but it doesn't make sense. our mom would have just told us she had to cancel it for any reason. we just need to know.

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 01:29 pm Post Subject:

I hope you'll find a solution to your query as you read through the following discussion-
Feel free to share anything that comes up in your mind!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 08:58 pm Post Subject:

Search the medical information bureau, there is a charge for this search, but depending on how old this policy was, it you might be able to find it.

Note: what this will do is list companies that had underwriting actions on her, so you'll be able to call them and ask if there was an active policy. If you are the beneficiary they will talk to you. What you'll then need to establish is if the policy was in force on the day that she died.

If you get to the point where you've comfirmed a policy active either still on record as in force, or was at one time, the company will require proof of death (death certificate will suffice), they'll process the claim and ensure that it was in fact in force on the day she died and send the benefit.

Alternatively, you could search around the house for correspondence from insurance companies that deal in life insurance (i.e. if their is something from Geico, it's unlikely to be what you are looking for). If you find something, you can give the company a call. When you call you are asking if there was a policy insuring your mother's life. If there was they will most likely confirm or deny if it existed even if you are not the beneficiary, but they will give no further details if you are not the beneficiary (details like, what the death benefit is, when the policy was begun, what the premiums are, etc.).

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 01:06 am Post Subject: Lost Life insurance policy

unfortunately there are no documents. we live out of state. her policy was completely paid so at this point it seems we just need to find the company the policy was with. i'll try the MIB to see if they are able to find any underwriting actions on her?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 03:31 pm Post Subject:

Yes indeed MIB is probably the only place where you can find this information in the easiest and most convenient manner. though i believe they charge a small fee for it but it is worth it.

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