how to address this issue

by paul101239 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 05:31 am

Everyone wants to see high quality health care as the norm. Everyone wants to see access to a high quality health care system. Unfortunately, the cost of medical care is potentially so high, even insured individuals may find themselves saddled with astronimical bills, in excess of what insurance will cover, in a matter of hours. This is an issue of critical national importance we must address. It is impossible to have high quality care if health care practitioners don't earn decent wages. So, how do you think we should address this issue?

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 07:19 am Post Subject:

By first eliminating the trial lawyers. Doctors' in some circumstances refuse to treat patients for fear of the claims that might follow. This is definitely true of neurosurgeons on call in an Emergency Room setting.

Someone comes in with head trauma or a stroke or some other brain injury. The surgeon operates and the patient dies. Maybe the patient would have died anyway, but some PI lawyer gets his hooks into the decedent's family and files a malpractice suit. Then collects a check with a comma to go away. It inflates the cost of malpractice insurance and causes physicians and surgeons not to answer the phone.

Aside from that, there are probably four or five things I can think of but are forced onto the back burner courtesy of Obamacare, which is not a solution to anything other than the ultimate socialist takeover of America.

And as tcope has said elsewhere, learn to post in the appropriate forums -- this question should have been posed in the health insurance forum, where there are already similar threads in process.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:30 pm Post Subject:

Re-posted in proper forum


Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 07:21 am Post Subject:

This is an issue of critical national importance we must address. It is impossible to have high quality care if health care practitioners don't earn decent wages.

I'm sure we'll see through a time when the govt. will be forced to realize it's mistakes. But, what it seems from Max's view is that it could be too late by then.

Aside from that, there are probably four or five things I can think of but are forced onto the back burner courtesy of Obamacare, which is not a solution to anything other than the ultimate socialist takeover of America.

Perhaps, we'll need to trudge through the painful aftermath of such a takeover for decades.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:34 am Post Subject:

the painful aftermath

You can see it here: in the "Former Soviet Union" -- corruption running amok, massive unemployment, government still subsidizing most aspects of life, people "longing" to be back under communism -- which was really no better than things are there today. And they are falling further behind every day.

China may still be under communist control, but at least the "powers to be" are allowing some aspects of capitalism to thrive.

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