Any way to locate an annuity if the owner is terminally ill

by ccanidawoodwa » Fri Oct 29, 2010 01:59 am

Annuity owner now living in Indiana, but probably bought the annuity in Maryland. Unable to locate any documents to support the claim of having an annuity, although it has been written into her will to be given to her children.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 03:19 am Post Subject:

If the owner is still alive, does that person remember the name of the company? That would be an obvious place to start. Even if the company has been absorbed by another company, there are still records. Just narrowing it down to a state isn't much help... hundreds of insurance companies and annuity providers operate in Maryland.

As to this:

although it has been written into her will to be given to her children.

Most annuities, like life insurance policies, have beneficiary designations within the contract and a will cannot overturn the contractual terms of the annuity. The will will likely have no effect on the distribution of the annuity assets, assuming one exists and can be found.

Start with the company name.

InsTeacher 8)

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:37 pm Post Subject:

Hi Teacher, can we seek the help of the MIB service regarding these annuities? What else can we actually do?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 08:30 pm Post Subject:

Hi Teacher, can we seek the help of the MIB service regarding these annuities? What else can we actually do?

MIB does not track annuities, they only track life insurance policies. The only way the OP is going to be able to determine what's going on, in the absence of any policy papers or records, would be to remember the name of the company.

InsTeacher 8)

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