Can insura cp give money to someone other than bene?

by sewmuch2 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 08:45 pm

I was the beneficary on the policy of my X-husband policy, while waiting for a death certificate, they gave the money to someone else because they said the board decided since we were devorced so long ago I shouldn't get it. Is this legal?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 01:32 pm Post Subject:

they said the board decided

Makes no sense. In what state did the divorce take place? There are a number of states that have laws which AUTOMATICALLY terminate the spouse as beneficiary following a divorce. Only if the policyowner redesignates that person as the new beneficiary will it be valid.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 07:19 pm Post Subject:

max i wasn't aware of that. In Georgia, once a beneficiary, always a beneficiary unless the policy owner changes it. It's definitely not done after the insured dies.

sewmuch, you need to check the laws in your state, contact the state insurance dept and the company that the policy was written through. if the beneficiary was changed, it should have been documented prior to your husbands death. my understanding is who ever the beneficiary was at the time of death collects. Please keep the forum posted, I'm very curious on this one.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 01:13 am Post Subject:

max i wasn't aware of that.

I really wasn't either until the matter started to surface here. I don't know the exact number of states, but it might be as many as 8-12. Some have changed their insurance codes to do so in just the last 5-7 years, too.

The cavemen are in charge in those states, I think.

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