The Donate button in posts?

by lilacsigh » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:43 pm

Me being the nosy person that I am, was wondering how the donate button on the left hand side of the posts works as I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere.

What I'd like to know is who are you donating to? Can you choose how much of your funds to donate or is it the whole amount you have currently built up?

Enquiring minds want to know. :) Thanks in advance!

Total Comments: 11

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 05:17 am Post Subject:

Guests cannot donate. I put it in my signature, though.

You're a good man, Lakemen, I see you did already! :)

Apologies, I was unclear the way I worded that. That's what happens when your brain's ahead of your fingers...or fingers left behind, take your pick. :? :lol:

I know guests can't donate. My hope was that the ability to do so once they became a member would encourage them to join in, and then they could once they'd built some credits up.

What I should have said in my example was " Use the Donate button to share part of your membership earnings with them." to be more clear on what I meant.

I was just thinking that with such a large number of Guest posts here, having that at the bottom of it would help raise awareness amongst the community at large. :)

Anyhoo, I warned you things sound right in my head and that's not always a good thing lol.

Nice to see you got the ball rolling, Lakemen. :)

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