federal-state unemployment insurance

by Guest » Fri Nov 28, 2008 09:56 am

What are the things that I'd need to learn while applying for unemployment insurance?

Total Comments: 20

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:37 am Post Subject:

I'm sure you'd be more than 'satisfied' to receive your first settlement check within a couple of weeks..am I right!

You're not right if the OP is denied benefits..Bridge...what is the reason you are now unemployed...alot of factors come into this...why do you no longer have a job? how long, or actually how much did you make at this or your prior job..and states differ as well .... just call the unemployment office in your area and find out how to apply...if as example you quit your job...no unemployment for you...

Gary, hmmmmmmmm good point but some of these have been around awhile. rod, fatman, and arind...but the others? who knows....it was pretty much re-verb huh?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:47 pm Post Subject:

Okay so I work at the unemployment claims office and this is what I can tell you.
First of all if you have been fired or you quit your job do not count on getting unemployment ins. at all. Make sure you have you record of employments and all the proper documentation.
Also - make sure that you keep a record of your job search because they more than likely dont want a free paycheck going out to you. You ahve to be ready adn willing to work. The reason they have this insurance is for a temporary fix. To help you have an income while you are looking for other work, so - you could be audited so always keep arecord of your job search history adn they name and contact information of the person you were speaking with. As well - do not ever turn down a job while on unemployment. If they find out you declined work you could loose your claim and be forced to pay back money(s) that you had recieved as well as you could be charged if it gets to that point. Main thign always be honest adn truthful about everything when filing any kind of claim 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 01:15 pm Post Subject:

@ Lori: Hmmmmmm, well, maybe, maybe not.
Reads to me like one (1) or two (2) persons playing good poster/bad poster.

Some of the replies are convoluted absurdities!

Question: What are the things that I'd need to learn while applying for unemployment insurance?


Hi, you'd definitely need to know certain facts regarding unemployment insurance:
* The reason to apply for unemployment insurance
* The eligibility criteria for unemployment insurance
* The views of the unemployment insurance carrier
* The benefits that would come under unemployment insurance
* Steps to make unemployment programs more effective
* The connection between welfare and unemployment insurance

I'm sure, once you'd understand all these facts you'd be able to handle your insurance in a better way!

What the hockey puck are you talking about?

The reason to apply for unemployment insurance
Got laid off or fired.

The eligibility criteria for unemployment insurance
Your EMPLOYER pays Federal and State unemployment taxes and you got laid off or fired.

The views of the unemployment insurance carrier
And just EXACTLY who is this "unemployment insurance carrier?"


Friends, whatever you might think..but there is no denying that fact that there had been some serious changes across the labor market. Such changes came in the form of segregation of jobs, involvement of women at work as well as the increase in the number of dual-income groups.

It was surely a challenge for such dual-income groups to make their professional and domestic ends meet. It was here that the unemployment insurance had failed miserably. As it failed to keep up with the upcoming changes, it became more and more difficult for it to satisfy the needs of both the dual-income groups as well as the low-income groups. Roddick

What on Earth are you talking about?

Followed by:

There has to be more contributions [from] the state to keep the workers satisfied and healthy.

How does increased contributions from the state keep, "workers satisfied and healthy?" Especially the healthy part? Will the new $800,000,000,000 billion bailout keep anyone healthy?

:evil: :twisted: After reading these posts I'm now going to sandpaper my eyeballs! :shock:

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 01:17 pm Post Subject:

To be honest - I think my post was well explained.. I know what I am talking about because I work within the fraud claims department of unemployment... so save some of your sandpaper on my behalf :D

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 01:44 pm Post Subject:

smashedin, YES!

Your post was well explained, accurate and on point.

:P I'll only sandpaper one eyeball now! :wink: :P

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 01:49 pm Post Subject:

ahaha that made me laugh :lol: But yes i was quite confused as well when i read some of the other posts they really didnt make much sense:P Im glad your vision in one eye will be saved!!!! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 03:25 am Post Subject: insurance

When I was Honorably Discharged from Active Army ( a LONG time ago), I collected Unemployment for a while. It was nice income, while I was looking for a full time job. However...........sure 'messed me up' when Tax time rolled around!...no taxes taken out of it. does anyone know ( and I'm sure somone knows..) can you have taxes taken out of your Unemployment if you want it to come out? Just curious.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 02:39 pm Post Subject:

can you earn a $ amount when collecting full unemployment?? :)

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 02:41 pm Post Subject: extra money

can you work a couple of hours a week and still collect full unemployment? How much, if so.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 02:50 pm Post Subject: Do I Qualify?

I got laid off work in AL, and moved to FL temporarily. I worked about a week on a temporary oil spill job, but now I have to return to AL. Will I be eligible for unemployment compensation when I leave the temporary job?

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