Can I insure my son's car when he does not live with me?

by mlynch719 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 01:36 am

He went to live with his Dad 3 years ago--we live in the same town--and I have always carried his insurance. I have heard that I am doing this in vain.

Total Comments: 13

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 05:38 am Post Subject:

There is no "vain" in it. As the registered owner, you have financial and a liability interest in the vehicle. After all, if there was an accident, the driver and the owner of the car can be sued.

As for titleing the car in your sons name, that would be your call.

The rate will most likely go up dramatically if he were to have to insure it on his own. Generally, the parents will have discounts the child will not qualify for on their own.

I'm sure your insurance carrier would have no problem with him on the policy since you are paying for the exposure of him driving the vehicle.

The only thing I would recommend is to make sure your carrier knows the garaging address. This will be his father's address. If it's in another county or zip code, it could affect the cost a little. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. But, in doing this, you should have everything properly disclosed.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 06:42 pm Post Subject:

My son is married and living in another county. We still insure his car because we got a better rate for him. Is this insurance fraud. The car is registered in his name. Do we need to ask him to get his own insurance

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