Senior Healthcare Consultants/RJR Insurance

by InsInvestigator » Wed Mar 10, 2010 05:21 am

Senior Healthcare Consultants/RJR Insurance's business practices are currently being investigated.

Promises Made-Promises Broken

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of SHC's business practices, agent and management [mis]conduct. Representations made to new agents about leads, marketing, and commissions, management structure, travel requirements, and agent impound / equity / hold-back accounts.

This is, by no means, a place to slander. libel, or defame SHC. Any such posts will be eliminated. My purpose is to gather information from as many sources as possible and use this to "help" that company with their future business practices/agent relations.

I am hopeful this can be done without litigation and the media attention a class action lawsuit would surely generate.

Total Comments: 1507

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 03:04 pm Post Subject: Apex-Elite/SHC Marketing

Just clarifying here-SHC Marketing and Apex-Elite are the exact same group of people. The name has changed but the game and the players have not. The only new addition is they have managed to find someone willing to act as the principal of the "new " company in hopes that no one is able to connect the dots and realize with whom they're dealing. Industry rumor was that SHC was having trouble paying their agents. The recent invention of this "new" company and many agent testimonials on this site tend to lend credence to that, doesn't it? Honest agents beware.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:37 pm Post Subject: Help RE Bo Duke

Can you please help me Bo Duke? Did you find a site so we can get your email address? I also need help choosing a company. I have been interviewed with companies like National Agents Alliance, Humana, and United Healthcare but I am looking for a place that will give me some top notch training and is a backed by solid products. So far it seems all I get is confused as to who I can trust out here?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:21 pm Post Subject: Thanks

I am in the midst of relocating and have been trying to find the right place to work out of MO. There is no shortage of companies and opprotunities but it does have me swimming in all of the information and options.

I just wanted to say thank to everyone for such great information. I have been trying to decide who to go to work for and have had a tough time deciding where to turn. Sites like this have helped tremendously in terms of cutting through the classic rhetoric each company wants to give you. It is hard to tell who is for real and who is not.

Just like my previous career field, there seem to be a lot of fly by night operations that do not follow through with what they are saying so any point in the right direction is saving me time and money - again, thank you to all who take the time to fill people in.

Please keep the information coming because it seems like it is hard to find the right fit the first time, I might be back on here sometime in the future for more helpful information.

Thank you....

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 01:08 am Post Subject: Very interesting - Name Changes

On the website at the testimonAls somethjng very interesting has happened. Several key people have removed their FULL name to ABBREVATIONS - ex:

BAC - Brian A Corder - payroll
RAD - Robert A Douglas - VP
G_V - Glenn VIrga
JAB - Joe Brown
D_C - David Croom
SJK - Stephan King

Seems a little fishy to me - why not have full name like the rest of them.

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Name: BAC
Age: 33
Marital Status: Married
Education: University of Texas at Austin - BBA Finance
Tenure with RJR: December 2001
Current Position: RJR Chief Financial Officer / Head Sales Compliance and Regulation Officer

This site is not intended for distribution to any client.

- Richard P. Dale, Jr.
- David L. Chambers
- Nicole R. Millette
- Roque P. Perea
- R.A.D
- Hal L. Freeman
- Richard D. Murray
- George A. Alexiades
- Robert J. McCardle, Jr.
- Alan T. Stephan
- Richard L. Van Dyke
- Dayton R. Tatman
- Lou E. Golden
- Russell W. Bell
- Matthew A. Mirro
- Russell E. Maroney
- James A. Taylor
- Melanie M. Savage
- Stephanie M. McGanty
- Akan B. Davis
- Richard W. Barnett
- Jimmy C. Peddy
- Susan L. Rivers
Password Protected

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:56 am Post Subject: To "Voice of Experience"

I am tired of the implication from "Voice of Experience" and those like him that complaints against Senior Healthcare Consultants' practices only come from disgruntled, inept former agents. That implication is factually false.

I was an successful, experienced agent before I was a manager for SHC and I paid a premium ($999 instead of $599) for SHC's base consultant training. I left Senior Healthcare Consultants not because I wasn't selling policies, but because I found SHC management trained their agents to materially misrepresent themselves to seniors in order to replace policies with SHC products. How? By scaring senior citizens into believing that all PFFS and PPO Medicare Advantage plans were being discontinued in 2010 when that was not so. When I suspected the truth and questioned SHC upper management about this, I got silence. I had to find the truth on my own.

This pattern of deception from Senior Healthcare Consultants, or whatever they're calling themselves these days, has earned them my everlasting contempt and disgust.

Back to the point: I left Senior Healthcare Consultants and had a job with an A+ rated company the next week, and yes, I am very successful with my new firm - far more than I was at SHC. If "Voice" would care to visit my desk, there's a few awards there that would like to have a word with him.

Save your self-serving platitudes, SHC. We don't need to be told how to run our business. But it's past time you fixed yours.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 07:56 pm Post Subject: Apex-Elite and SHC

No Surprise: The address you gave for Apex-Elite is actually the address of the law office of Ray and Wilson, hired attack dogs for Richard P. Dale Jr./RJR Insurance and Senior Healthcare Consultants. I've received love letters from Ray and Wilson before... Anyway, compare the following:

I don't know how that works. Maybe SHC has rented out one of the law firm's broom closets?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 01:34 am Post Subject:

Twitch . . .

Maybe you should share your experience (about the material misrepresentations) with your state Dept of Insurance. I'm sure they would be interested.

California is "death" on abuse of seniors, unfortunately they did not attach the death penalty to the punishment for the crimes. For some abusers, however, I don't think even the death penalty is good enough.

Roasting slowly over a bed of hot coals would be a good start.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 02:00 am Post Subject:

I wish I were as sure about that, Max. In my experience, most DoIs are a joke, and that is especially true in Texas. If it went to the state Attorney General there might be an outside shot at taking this organization to task, but I can't say I'm hopeful.

Maybe I should go directly to CMS?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 02:32 am Post Subject: No Surprise

How funny that their attorney is the address of the Apex - Elite. I can verify Mr Ray is their attorney. I have also gotten a letter from him In the past on behalf of RJR Insurance / SHC. It All adds up and hello there are alot of red flags - so please be careful anyone wanting to get into the senior market.

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