Away for training/Bipolarism

by goodnatured » Thu Jan 10, 2008 01:08 am

I am going away for a week of training, I am not looking forward to it at all, but all the staff has to go through it, I just happen to be first, I want to get it out of the way. So, I have to figure out a way to be polite while these people that don't do my job tell me how to do my job better.

I will be taking my zoloft with me, over the last few years when I sit for a while in a classroom environment, my mind goes places that I wish it would not. I honestly can not control this crap, finally went to may doctor and got some medication.

Eventually it started happening on a daily basis at work, pretty wild stuff, I would have to get away from the scene to get it out of my head.

It is strange because it is never the same. Sometimes I get angry, sometimes just overly, overly thrilled, it is ridiculous, doctor said that I was bipolar, he tested me and I got a 9 out of 14, he says it is pretty severe. I have been okay for quite awhile now, but I will tell you the first time it happened it was a pretty crazy experience.

Has anyone dealt with anyone with bipolarism? I have always considered myself a pretty stable person, but this crap just takes control of my mind and goes places that are totally innappropriate at times.

Total Comments: 64

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 02:00 pm Post Subject:

AND set an example...a good one, of how to react...(or not as the case may be) :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 02:30 pm Post Subject:

Thanks all for the good advice and I have been reading it and considering it all. When it all started I blamed it on his drinking.He stopped drinking when our daughter was born he also gave up smoking when our son was 2. So he does not smoke nor drink. He says he feels these periods of extreme agitation. He says he wants to destroy something and he has many times .We have replaced many doors also belongings.I had a vase once I simply loved and was not replaceable as I found it at a yard sale. he broke it when he was feeling his MOOD. I call them rages he calls it agitation.All we do is get out of his way.He is terrible managing money.What I notice most is the moods where he seems determined to start a fight and even if I don't say anthing he carries on alone. My son used to blame it on me because I fought back or talked back when he was verbally abusive.I guess he thought if i kept quiet that he would stop .he talks to the kids about his bad behavior.his heart is in the right place I guess that one reason I try to stay.Sometimes it gets me down so bad .Its like he feels bad and isn't going to stop till he takes with him. I think he has this deep down resentment for his mom and takes it out on me.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 02:38 pm Post Subject:

Goodnatured I took this from a post of yours(They have been wonderful and know that if I snap and chew their heads off, not to take it personally) this is much like my situation. How can you not take iot personally. My hubby starts yelling at me calling me stupid ,how can i not take it personally.My daughter this morning everything I said to her she snapped at me. She snapped and was mean to her sister.Her horse died the other day and I started to put my arms around her and said I was sorry and she jerked away.I went off and cried cause thats the way she treats me all the time. I think she hates me.She is always rude to me and sanppes at me.It really hurts.I try not to take these things against me personally but it doea hurt .I have gotten a thick skin mostly where my husband is concerned but my daughter's attitude really hurts me. If I try to talk to her she just brushes emoff and tell me to be quiet.That make me madder than anything for my daughter to tell ME to shut up! I got so mad at her one day for saying that ,That I screamed at her so loudly my throat was sore and scared my younger daughter into tears.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 02:40 pm Post Subject:

I'm confused. Yesterday I was being paid to post in the pub.Today I am not.What gives. The credit and insurance forums were paid to post in the pub but the mortage ans debt were not. I had them all figured out and now I am really confused.

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