Can anyone tell me the honest truth about SHC?

by bradwhite123 » Thu Feb 05, 2009 03:51 am

From what I have seen there are quite a few negative comments about SHC but it seems a lot of them are ones from folks who are not used to hard work. I don't mind hard work and long days as long as there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am attending my webinar about the company tomorrow and am very excited. Any other suggestions before I start down the path with SHC? Did you honestly have days like I have seen some of the comments say about not getting in bed till 11:30pm and then on the road at 7am? I do have younger kids that I see every other weekend and every wednesday night. Do you think I will be able to see them the first year? This is very important to me so be honest. Thanks

Total Comments: 39

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 02:54 pm Post Subject: let the buyer beware

I listened to the presentation - very fluffy and filled with hype and projections. Sure it sounds good, albeit with hard work. They then tell you how special you are and you were selected - and will send you a link so you can pay your $599 and someone will call you. When I asked to review the contract - I was denied unless I committed to moving forward. They are filled with high pressure and I am sure they make more money off the fees than from earnings - churn and burn Internet Scam based concept preying on honest people looking for a legit opportunity.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 07:14 pm Post Subject: Testimonies

I have been in the insurance business for 20 years and was just curious when I stumbled onto their Google Ad. I did listen to their video and read the comments. I have learned not to be a captive agent. Chances are if you decide to leave that company there will be a non-compete disclosure and you cannot contact your hard earned customer base for at least a year. If you have to pay $18 per appointment you can do that on your own and still sell for whatever company you choose and not be captive. Also, from past history I will not sign up with a company until I know who they write for and can look at all of the contracts. I need to know that what they have to offer is something that I would offer my mother. One thing that caught my attention is that there are no women high in the company or in any of the testimonials. Women beware of that. I have no desire to work for men with the "Good Old Boy" mentality. I need to know that my gender is not going to hold me back because of someones ego or arrogance.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 07:17 pm Post Subject:

Thoughts that make you go "hmmm"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 08:06 pm Post Subject:

I am considering seriously about joining Senior Healthcare Associates.

It is amazing that they are a member of the BBB and there are never any posts from clients or their family that say anything negative about SHC.

On other forums the only negative comments are failed salesman blaming SHC for their bad perfomance or lack of vision.

So far in my dealings with SHC they have been very carefull not to sugar coat the job but to tell it like it is, firstly in the webinar then in the powerpoint presentation and also in the telephone interviews. If I join this company I know exactly what is expected of me from day one.

Also although they ask for $599 (which I have not been asked for yet) they will reimburse most of that back in the first couple of weeks if you perform and also some of your licensing costs as well.

There are testimonials on their website from consultants who joined in the early part of 2009 which should give a better balanced view on this company.

I like what I see so far.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 03:09 pm Post Subject: Another thing to notice

If you watch their 2008 presentation video, notice their computer equipment.

The computer monitors are CRTs and not flat screen. Flat screens have been out for several years and they don't even sell CRTs anymore.

That tells me either this video is much older than 2008, or they don't keep their equipment updated very well. Deceptive or not financially sound?

Just food for thought

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:47 pm Post Subject: RUN AWAY!!!

Hi, has anyone else been as foolish as i to waste so much time & money on this unbelievable company. If you have not yet - be warned - do not! If you have (and are not too embarrased to talk about it), can you please let me know what you did to get paid. I worked almost 2 months for this company, paying out hundreds of dollars in training, lead costs, gas & hotel bills, with a good number of sales & they refuse to pay me a dime. I finally quit selling (no more money for the ridiculous leads) and needing a job that pays, and they said the only way R.J. will pay me is to sell more. Insanity is... Seriously though, they owe me several thousand dollars. Can any of you former scammed suggest to me how i might get paid? Thanks.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 05:49 pm Post Subject: SHC

I'm considering joining them. Why haven't they paid your commissions? What is their excuse?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:59 am Post Subject: SHC

Now they are asking for $1299-$999.00 Also, they are tend to not answer questions about commissions as to final expense, annuity and long term care cases placed.

I would like to work for an "upright" type of broker in the insurance field in FL, AL and MS....ANY suggestions??

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 06:05 pm Post Subject: seems kitchy to me

Hmmmm this sounds familiar. My first sales job was with combined insurance co.and I was successful enough(Diamond Qualifier). car,gas,food,time, all on my tab(thats HUGE enough).Although leads were free, you made money on renewals actually, free paid training, and lodgeing when out of town.They have meetings every morning to share sales keys and such. The reason I left was simply a crappy way of life. Being a 100% commissions rep you really got to wonder where companies like this get off on treating you like you owe them something, like you're a high salaried employee with all the perks.I see the tell-tail kitchy "Levels of commission" stuff and "if you maintain this" or that if not go back to the little league?"That sounds rather demoralizing not to meantion a great way for youre superiors to soak your obviously hard earned commissions.Anyway with my previous experience I relized an interview wasn't necc. for me.The reason Im spending time on this blog is to share that over and over again looking for employment these low brow abusers are always hiring. BUT if you want to learn how to sell this is probably a great way to do it, like I did with Combined, door to door cold calling @100% commission. good luck out there:)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 04:49 pm Post Subject: How it is...

This is how it is with SHC... when you 'sign up', you are a captive agent. Not only that, you are not entitled to ANY, that's right - NOT ANY of your commission. That's right... when you sign up, you sign it over to them. After a month and selling many policies (they tell you in your training you are paid in a week), but Medicare policies start on the first of the month, so you can literally wait almost 2 months to start getting paid (so they tell you once you're out selling). Then after that, and you expect your pay, they decide to cut you off because you've signed it all to them before you've started, and there's not a thing you can do about it. Good luck!

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