HO insurance settlement process

by Guest » Thu Dec 10, 2009 05:13 am

Dear friends, is it possible for you all to throw some light on the HO insurance settlement process?

Total Comments: 27

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 05:00 pm Post Subject:

I should have been more clear. ALE payment is always seperate along with a pay off. Everything else was one check. With the exception of say a vehicle that was lost.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:14 pm Post Subject:

It's really company and even adjuster specific in most cases.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:45 am Post Subject:

I guess another challenge lies in selecting the contractor while building your home or doing the repairs. The home builders association in your locality could be one good source to provide you with the contractors' information.

You may check out with the BBB and the Chamber of Commerce whether such contractors have maintained the minimum insurance requirement as also the legitimacy of their license.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:22 am Post Subject:

Make sure you get a number of estimates to compare and see, while you go for the repairs. Don't hurry to sign a contract with whoever comes first. Make sure that you have all things in writing and also have a couple of references. Roddick

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 05:46 am Post Subject:

Besides the payoff, everything was in one check.

Any decent size fire or water loss I have always had multiple checks for the contents, ALE and structure. If I waited for the insured to submit content lists it would take a month or so to issue a check for the ACV amount and the house reconstruction would be delayed.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 04:58 pm Post Subject: HO Settlement

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read in detail.

Your insurance company sent an adjuster to your home to inspect damages, take measurements and photos...he might be a local adjuster....if its catastrophe work, hes most likely not.

He works for the insurance company not for you. You did not hire him, you will not pay him. Since he works for them, he is there to protect their interests....which are a LOW SETTLEMENT. If he comes up with a dollar figure, how would you know its correct or even enough???

HERES THE INFO YOUR INSURANCE COMPANIES DO NOT GIVE YOU you have the right to hire a PUBLIC ADJUSTER. (the insurance companies employ Independant Adjusters)

A public adjuster is licensed by the same body that licenses the Ind. Adj. We use the same software to evaluate damages and to complete our report. The difference is WE WORK FOR YOU. Our estimate does not nickel and dime you.

We are trained and have the experience in construction. We are familiar with the insurance policy and its language as a CONTRACT. So when the insurance companies want to offer you pennies on the dollar for your loss, we get you EVERYTHING. WE represent you the way a lawyer would in court. Never heard about us, blame your insurance company for that. Depending on your policy, there is language written by lawyers for lawyers in the back that briefly mention what your options are as a h/o.

Contact me for more info. Hope it helps. ......and NO, you do not have to accept what ever the insurance company offers you on a take it or leave it condition. You have rights, you pay the premium, you decide.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 02:58 am Post Subject:

we get you EVERYTHING-Our estimate does not nickel and dime you.

Well, we take a chunk of it...but I didn't really want to post that in my advertisement. And it adds up to a lot more then nickels and dimes.

pennies on the dollar

Really? There are insurance companies trying to give someone pennies when they owe them a dollar.

And before you even post a response....I know I know....if they hire us and get 90% of 50,000 thats better then 100% of a low ball offer.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 08:32 am Post Subject:

You could do some things while hiring the contractor e.g. make sure that he's bonded and offers Workmen compensation to his employees. You should also check out the liability insurance. Make sure that his business card bears his official address as well as contact phone no.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 09:46 am Post Subject:




The fee is negotiable by the home owner and the adjusting firm, it is not a flat fee across the board.

Depending on the type of loss, and the state, some losses are automatically capped at a certain percent by the Department of Insurance.


Do you suggest that We work for free? Do you work for free?

We are licensed by the State Department of Insurance and Bonded.

We must comply with continuing education specific to the license type. Do you suggest we work for free? Do you work for free?

Do not be upset that I am taking the mystery out of the claims process for the home owner and showing them how INDEPENDENT ADJUSTERS like you try and rip them off any chance you get. Its not your fault you have that job.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 03:44 pm Post Subject:

Do not be upset that I am taking the mystery out of the claims process for the home owner and showing them how INDEPENDENT ADJUSTERS like you try and rip them off any chance you get. Its not your fault you have that job.

I don't think you are shedding any light to any mystery to anyone. All of of us will admit that there are infact some adjusters that have a negative agenda, but again you seem to be lumping all IA's into that group. That is not only rediculous, but also wrecklous and a complete disservice to a policy holder. Put yourself in the shoes of a policy holder for once. You are also making baseless claims against someone on the forum that you don't know from Adam.

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