A picture is better than a thousand words

by Xoseph » Wed Jan 27, 2010 01:35 am
Posts: 128
Joined: 30 Jul 2008

Many people would agree that a picture is better than a thousand words.

Has anyone applied this in insurance selling? How do you draw picture or use illustrations to exlain an insurance concept?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 04:43 am Post Subject:

Crayons? I like the red ones.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 06:21 am Post Subject:

I once inherited a book of business from a bank. In every file there where stick pictures of people houses and trees all drawn with different color markers. It looked like I was opening a file on a kindergartner. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. To each their own....whatever works right.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 06:27 am Post Subject:

Crayons? I like the red ones.

I found a box of those kind of crayons that don't leave any kind of permanent mark whatsoever, the kind they sell to parents of young kids in case they mark up the walls or something. I bought 'em for my kids. Anyhow, I digress.

Crayons are good. I found myself drawing a Chicago Cubs banner on the family room wall with those crayons I found. Needless to say that beer, washable crayons and reeeeeeaaaalllly cranky wives don't go real well together. Oh yeah- they don't wash off nearly as easily as the commercials would make you think.

Seriously, as to the OPs question- yes. Try insuring any property these days without photographs.

InsTeacher 8)

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