Qualities needed to become an insurance agent

by tusharagg87 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 06:13 am

The most important trait in you that you need to become a good and successful insurance agent is your energy level. You might be amazed to read this but this thing is much more important and influential than all other factors like hard work and communication skills. Not even for a second in a day should your energy level should drop while you are on your duty. If you have a meeting with one of your prospects on a hot sunny day and you will be meeting him after a long journey, you should look as fresh as ever. Your potential customer should feel that you are attending him nicely. Listen to him very attentively and try to read his mind so that you can have some idea of what his weak points are. Once you get them, try to rotate the meeting around those points. Keep the energy level to the peak point and do not get annoyed or look disappointed if you fail to capitalize on the opportunity on the first time. Keep trying until he is ready to take your offer. Do this in such a manner so that your prospect should feel that you are not imposing anything on him and all talks are been done for his benefit only. Make him feel that his interest is important for you than your or your firm's interest.


Total Comments: 47

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 04:36 am Post Subject:

I've hung up on a few of them when they just din't want to shut up and let ME talk.

:lol: ya it's true. But it's not the case only with insurance agents. Most of the telemarketing people have a habit of non stop talking. They doesn't realize that the person on the other end is listening to them or not. It's very hard to understand what they are actually trying to tell you because of the way they talk.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:34 am Post Subject: insurance

That's what I mean, HORIZON. How can the Consumer convey THEIR feelings when the person, on the other end, won't give them a chance to talk? I WOULD listen to them, if I could understand what their saying...if they were 'clear' about what they were talking about.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:08 am Post Subject:

That's true. All the insurance agents know is to keep saying non stop what they have been taught by their firms. They just have one thing in mind- how can he convert the person on the other end his customer.

Nobody cares about the consumer's feelings and they do not give a damn about it. and it really hurts to see this

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 05:46 pm Post Subject:

They just have one thing in mind- how can he convert the person on the other end his customer.

Right, But they must understand that they should give some time to the person to understand what is this all about. How can you expect to convert these kind of calls into business. Most of the time it creates a negative impact on the listener.

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 03:40 am Post Subject:

Somebody is taking about patience up there! I agree with that. This job is kinda hard coz you are trying to convince people why they need it and why they must buy to you. You must be good in sales talk but generally in communication in whatever part of it. Good communication is equal to great sales! Well, you will not enter this kind of job if it doesnt interest you perhaps you just want a big income. Big income from it will achieve if you have sold an insurance but if not i dont think theres something to expect more. I think thats the qualities that need to be highlighted.

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:52 pm Post Subject:

Good communication is equal to great sales

That's right. You need to master the art of communication before trying your hands in this field. A novice can not earn money and make fortunes in the insurance sector until he have some experience..

You got to have the urge to become the best before you think of starting here. A confident personality and good communication skills can land you among the big names in this sector.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:24 pm Post Subject:

A novice can not earn money and make fortunes in the insurance sector until he have some experience..

Right..The person need to earn lots of experience going through various obstacles. Then & then only he or she can become a successful insurance agent.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:44 pm Post Subject:

And these obstacles are not something that you can not overcome. All you need is the fire in you to succeed and the belief that you can become the best. Everybody learns in this way.

Those who learn quickly and adapt themselves to the situation in front of them, they win.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 01:34 pm Post Subject:


Make him feel that his interest is important for you than your or your firm's interest.

The best way to do this is to listen to his views and empathize with him. Once, you've done that you've walked half the mile. Now, keep on questioning him to identify more of his concerns. Answer each of his queries positively and try to back it up well with the key benefits or features of your product!


Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 04:42 am Post Subject:

All you need is the fire in you to succeed and the belief that you can become the best.

In other words we can say that dedication is one of the important qualities needed to become a successful insurance agent. This applies to all fields.

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