How to secure life insurance even after divorce?

by Guest » Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:36 am

I’m currently undergoing the process of divorce from my husband. I just want to make sure that he maintains life insurance on the kids. How can I make it sure? Can he violate the court order and change the beneficiary in the near future? Would my children then have the right to contest the beneficiary state whomever it is assigned to?


Total Comments: 22

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 02:26 am Post Subject:

So does the divorce decree stipulate the transfer of the life insurance policies to you as owner and as beneficiary?

Each state is different, but usually life insurance beneficiary directives will trump most legal documents.

That part of the decree is most likely concerned with your laying claim to any other insurance policies he had or would take out (trust me a lot of ex wives and husbands come looking to collect when their spouse dies).

It could have also been an attempt at an arrangement to ensure the money only went to your daughter, but the your paying the premiums would make that odd and unlikely.

Does the part of the decree that speaks to your receiving the life policies mention your daughter as well?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 01:00 am Post Subject: policy not paid on

I was divorced in the state of Ohio in 2002. My ex-husband was to maintain a substantial life insurance policy per final divorce decree as a settlement to be equivalent to PERS retirement after a marriage ten years. I have been made aware that he allowed the policy to lapse from non payment....any ideas or thoughts?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 04:27 am Post Subject: Life insurance

My husband's ex wife wants to take out a life insurance policy on him NOW after their divorce has been final for a year. There are no children involved. She does receive spousal support and she also works. Her reason is she FORGOT to do it during the divorce. Can she legally do this now? (this is in WA state)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 06:03 am Post Subject:

She can purchase life insurance on her ex-husband under the following conditions:

* Your husband has to be informed. He'll have to answer all queries regarding his health and sign in the application. It's his health which is a risk for the insurer, so she can't take out a policy on him without involving him.

* She has to prove her insurable interest i.e. she'll somehow be financially affected when he dies. The fact that she works might come in between.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 05:10 am Post Subject:

The maximum amount of insurance an ex-wife might be able to obtain on her former spouse would most likely be limited to the full value of her unpaid spousal support. Most spousal support orders expire at some point in time, such as if there is a marriage, or might be limited to 50% of the duration of the marriage (a ten-year marriage could be worth 5 years of monthly payments).

If the state has a law that automatically disqualifies a divorced person as their former spouse's beneficiary, then there may not be insurable interest.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:06 am Post Subject: life isnurance

my husband ex-wife has a owner of my husband life insurance and owner of her life insurance. my husband is insured on his policy but ex wife she does not want sign to change the ownership to my husband on his policy. he is paying each month and right now he wants to know is there any way to force her ex wife to sign it? what about court?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 06:07 am Post Subject:

Generally speaking, no one can force the owner to do something she does not want to do. A court might order a change of ownership, but it would be highly unlikely to happen in your husband's case since the divorce was finalized some time ago.

He can always stop paying the premium, but this will lead to being sued in civil court for the value of the premiums if the ex-wife pays them herself, or possibly even a judgment in the amount of the contract's death benefit if the policy was allowed to lapse.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 09:41 am Post Subject: hi

You only the owner of life insurance policy on your child’s, If your husband was assigned your only the owner in past registration of policy, then only you have to name you as the owner. Then what you may need a court order or a particular request from the judge to help you do so.

Make sure your policy quotes on where and when with proper assumption and rate of policy in the life insurance companies. Here your husband want to make sure to give that policy to you and your child’s it’s important to get your whole life insurance policy from your x-husband.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 09:54 pm Post Subject:

What? These two posts are unintelligible.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 03:27 am Post Subject: Life Insurance

I am beneficary on my deceased husbands life ins. The ex tried to freeze it but it is going through. On their divorce settlement he was to put his daughter on it too. The daughter disowned him so he put her down as 1% since no monies in the divorce decree were mentioned. OH TO BE a fly on that wall!

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