my ex passed away and had our 14 year old son named as benef

by bjamm1972 » Wed May 27, 2009 01:15 am

My ex-husband passed away about a month ago. We just found out that my ex's dad was beneficiary with our 14 year old son as 2nd on the policy. My ex's dad passed away 2 years ago and that leaves our son as beneficiary on the policy (which is a large policy) we live in Illinois. What are the laws? What do I need to do?

Total Comments: 26

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 04:02 am Post Subject:

my grandmother passed away a little over a year ago, but before she passed she asked me for my social security number address, bank and account number. She mentioned something about a life insurance policy and naming me as a beneficiary? Then someone my father (if thats what you want to call him) did something and signed it into his name and cashed it before i could get it... how do i go about finding out what happened and if i can sue my father?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 01:36 pm Post Subject: Terms of Policy (guaranteed interest)

This IS a VERY helpful blog - info in layman terms. One thing about group life insurance (hubby added supplemental Ins), the employee nor beneficiary(s) recv'd entire policy w/terms, tho' told hubby to ask for it bcus he's entitled to a complete copy, but he didn't. (In 1998 when hubby died my son was beneficiary at age 4.) Employer Plan Admin'tor called & told me I should keep my son's money in acct setup by ins co becus the policy terms guarantees a set interest rate % to be compounded qtrly 'til age of majority. The acct is considered a trust w/Ins co as trustee/fiduciary, acct must be FDIC insured, etc., (read ur state laws for specifics). Qs: 1- Can proceeds be transferred or sold w/o disclosure to a non-affiliated annuity com that's NOT FDIC insured to avoid paying guaranteed interest rate?; 2- Can acct funds be taxed (if transferred) by annuity comp - tho' never taxed by bank when opened? 3- Annuity company reduced interest rate when proceeds were transferred to them...I read that this violates UTC & is a breach of duties. I'm looking for an aggressive, estate attorney who is not scared to fight vs. 3 financial institutions (Annuity company, after taxing funds for 4 yers transferred acct to another bank, who never acknowledged their existence. This minor has been unjustly deceived.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 04:27 pm Post Subject:

acct must be FDIC insured, etc., (read ur state laws for specifics)

WRONG! FDIC is for member banks and is not available to insurance companies.

1- Can proceeds be transferred or sold w/o disclosure to a non-affiliated annuity com that's NOT FDIC insured to avoid paying guaranteed interest rate?

You are describing a "retained asset account" and technically it is the property of the insurance company. Can they transfer the asset to someone else? Yes, but they cannot change the original terms of the account.

2- Can acct funds be taxed (if transferred) by annuity comp - tho' never taxed by bank when opened?

All INTEREST paid from a retained asset account is taxable as income. The insurance company does not tax the money, the IRS does.

3- Annuity company reduced interest rate when proceeds were transferred to them

This would be a "breach of contract" issue, and may involve other legal issues.

Contact me via the "Send me your questions . . ." link below to discuss your situation confidentially.

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Unbeaten talent has Del Rio in girls soccer playoff race

just like that, The Queens are the fourth place team in centre 29 6A.

With four matches left to play on the set up, The Queens moved into fourth place sunday night with a 4 2 win over the Laredo LBJ Lady Wolves. It's the fourth straight match a Queens (6 9 3 in the end, 4 5 1 in area) Either won or tied knowing that run has the Queens in the thick of the playoff hunt.

Del Rio has 13 points completely, Putting them some point ahead of Laredo Alexander, Which lost to Southwest soon, And two points ahead of Laredo United South, beautiful moldova Which lost to United recently. Teams are awarded three points for a win and one point for a draw.

free airline and United are tied for first with 24 points. They will meet a few days ago.

South San is in third with 21 factors, And Del Rio is inside fourth. South San and Del Rio will meet tonight at 6:30 at Walter Levermann Ram ground.

Del Rio still has to play United South and United once more before finishing the normal season March 13 at Eagle Pass.

it will not be an easy stretch for the Queens. Injuries have begun to take their toll, But head coach Ernesto Martinez said he's seen improved play from the team as a whole and girls are moldova women stepping up add-ons..

"we now have had girls like Jocelyn (Martinez), Johanna (Rodriguez), Ozzie (Urias), Nathaly (Robles) then Adamary (Morales) Really step up their game and it's shown in outcomes, Martinez claimed.

a long time ago four matches, Del Rio has granted a total of six goals. They gave up six goals in the two matches completed unbeaten streak.

"Our defend of (Regan) Kohut, Dayanara (Hernandez), Alyssa (Arredondo), Nathaly as well as Karina (Salas) still play good defense. Delaney has also begun to score that is a big plus to the team. They have bonded and continue to leave everything on the field, Martinez reported.

The Queens did their damage in direction of LBJ in the first half.

Midway your first half, Lily Jimenez scored off an assist from Johanna Rodriguez to that Queens up 1 0.

decrease four minutes later, Jocelyn Martinez made it a 2 0 game when she scored off a large part kick by teammate Lupita Flores.

LBJ would score a short time after Martinez's strike, But Del Rio closed the first half with few of goals to build its lead to 4 1.

Jimenez listed her second goal of the game with 2:28 left to play in the half as she used an assist from Alyssa Arredondo to operate her goal.

Then with just under two minutes left amongst players, Delaney Purtee came up with the Queens' fourth goal of the first half, household off an assist from Adamary Morales.

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