seepage under house

by Guest » Wed Apr 07, 2010 08:29 pm

My husband was in the crawlspace looking around and found a lot of moisture under the area where the master shower sits. The shower was built just before we moved in (5 yrs ago) and entirely tiled. There was NO indication whatsoever that the shower was leaking and causing water problems under the house.

Is this considered negligence on our part? Is it reasonable to expect homeowners to crawl around under their homes to find potential problems? We're afraid to call our insurance co - from what I have read in this forum, sounds like we're up the creek.

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 04:18 am Post Subject:

Is this considered negligence on our part?

No, but maybe a maintenance issue. Where is the water coming from? Has the tile been re-grouted in the last 5 1/2 years. Is there a leak in the drain line? It is really hard to say without knowing the problem and the resulting damage. Is is just wet? Is their rot in the crawl space?

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