by Guest » Tue Jul 13, 2010 05:58 pm

10/09, I was involved in head on collision and the other driver was found at fault.
Both vehicles were brand new however were totalled by the insurance adjusters and his insurance paid for both vehicles. My car settlement check was 24k.

I suffered a fractured wrist, bruised sternum, and soft tissue injuries to my neck, right shoulder and knee. While he suffered fractured ribs and was hospitalized for a short time.

I have finally completed my medical care and physical therapy. My PIP paid for the first 10K of medical bills and then my medical insurance picked up the remainder 16k making my total medical bills over 26k. I average $75 weekly in insurance co-payments (physical therapy and doctor visits) which I feel I should be re-imbursed for.
1 What would be a fair amount to ask for a settlement?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 06:12 pm Post Subject:

Question is asked many times... and each time I must say... there is not enough information to know. Things that need to be considered are: your location, your age, your prior medical treatment, your prior health/injuries, the nature of your treatment, possible future medical treatment, your prognosis, etc. If you sought PT for 8 months I, as a adjuster would probably want to see your x-ray notes as well as PT notes. Especially if the cost of all treatment was $26,000.

If you are in FL there is an offset of that $10k in PIP (basically, the meds now owed are anything over the $10k.

No loss wages?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 05:40 am Post Subject:

your location - Kentucky
your age - 46
your prior medical treatment - no existing injuries
your prior health/injuries - diabetic
the nature of your treatment - physical therapy for neck and shoulder soft tissue injuries
possible future medical treatment - fractured heal with no complications
your prognosis - no complications from fracture
If you sought PT for 8 months I, as a adjuster would probably want to see your x-ray notes as well as PT notes - copies of xrays, notes, physician notes already sent
No loss wages - on Long Term Disability from former employer due to complications of diabetes just awarded SSDI.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 07:30 pm Post Subject:

tcope gave you the long answer. The short answer is even with the information provided, no one on this site can give you an amount. Could we throw out numbers...sure. But without being involved in a claim, it is really difficult to come up with an amount. The way I figure it is that I want all my medicals covered and then what I feel comfortable with. What I am comfortable with may be different they what you are comfortable with...all other things being equal.

So first you need to make sure all of your costs are covered. After that you need to decide what you want. What do you feel your pain and suffering is worth?

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