Can you guys backdate insurance?

by tiffilee89 » Tue Aug 13, 2013 02:29 am

I was wondering if you can get your insurance backdated when you set it up?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 03:35 am Post Subject:

Backdating a car insurance policy is frowned upon by auto insurance carriers and is considered as insurance fraud in some states. No matter who you approach or work with, no reputable and honest auto insurance company si going to offer it to you.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 03:41 pm Post Subject:

There is simply no good reason for an insurance company to back date coverage. What the insured is asking for is to pay more premium for no reason. Why would an insured want to piss away that money. Is it because the insured should have had coverage and did not? If this is the case then what does this say about the person as a risk. Most of the the time the insured suffered a loss that they want the insurance company to address.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 04:25 pm Post Subject:

Life insurance may be backdated because you were alive then as you are today. Property & Casualty insurance? Forget it.

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