really need your help please!!!!!

by l_caline » Tue Jul 10, 2007 04:35 am

i need everybody's help please. i am doing an internship in an assurance company. i have to make a questionnaire but didn't know a lot of thing in insurance and in marketing.
would you please answer my questionnaire and tell me if there is something to change, something which is not in the correct form (cause my english is not perfect)
thanks a lot for you help

Please place a cross near the right answer

1. Gender:
- M
- F

2. Age

3. In which field are you working?
- Automobile
- Fashion
- Chemistry
- Insurance
- Machinery
- Multimedia
- Food
- Energy
- Finance
- Others: ………..

4. Can you cite at least 5 names of insurance companies and classify them in your preferential order (1 is the one you like the most)

5. How did you discover these insurances?
- Research on Internet
- By letters, leaflets
- In magazines, reviews
Please give examples
- By a friend, an acquaintance
What is he doing?
- On television
- Others ………

6. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 represents “strongly disagree” and 10 “strongly agree”, would you say “the choice of the insurance company depends on……”
(Please write a note near the proposition)
- The premium:
- The level of coverage:
- The broker's liability:
- The broker's advices, explanation:
- The geographical implantation:
- The payback period:
- Others:………

7. Have you ever had any problems with you insurance company ?
- Yes (cf. 8)
- No (cf.11)
- No answer (cf. 11)

8. What kind of problem was it?

9. Was the problem resolve?
- Yes
- No
- No answer

10. Were you satisfy with the resolution and why?
- Yes because …………………..
- No because ………………….
- No answer

11. Do you know what credit insurance is?
- Yes (cf.11A)
- No (cf. 12)

A credit insurance policy is a guarantee that you will be paid, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, for the merchandise shipped or services rendered to your customer.

11A. Do you know companies which provide these services, which one?
- Yes ………….
- No

12. Do you know what export insurance is?
- Yes (cf.12A)
- No (cf. 13)

Export credits are policies that insure exporters of goods and services against risks of non-payment by buyers located in foreign countries.

12A. Do you know companies which provide these services, which one?
- Yes …….
- No

13. Do you know what domestic credit is?
- Yes
- No

Domestic credits are policies that insure exporters of goods and services against risks of non-payment by buyers located in foreign countries.

14. Do you know companies which provide these services, which one?
- Yes…….
- No

15. What are, were or would be your motives for taking out these insurances?

16. Do you know the company ‘Cosmos services Ltd'?
- Yes
- No

17. How did you discover this insurance?
- Research on Internet
- By letters, leaflets
- In magazines, reviews
Please give examples
- By a friend, an acquaintance
What is he doing?
- On television
- Others ………

18. Are you customer in this company?
- Yes
- No (cf. 20)
19. Are you satisfied by their services and why?
- Yes because ……..
- No because ……

20. How can the company improve itself?

21. Any further notes or suggestions?

Thanks for answering this questionnaire.

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