Does homeowners insurance cover water damage due to leak?

by Insurance Maze » Mon Nov 05, 2007 01:31 pm

Water leakage is a problem and one that is not covered under homeowners insurance. So, the best thing one can do is to be cautious and keep a regular check. Homeowners insurance would typically refuse any claim related to water leakage over a period of time. It would be categorized under negligence. However, under certain special circumstances, your insurer may provide coverage against damage from a water leak.

Does homeowners insurance cover water damage?

Yes, it does but very specific types. Homeowners insurance would not cover damages from flood. Flood insurance is a separate policy that you need to purchase. It would also not cover damage caused by a leaking pipe in your home, but would cover damage from rain getting inside the house through a hole in the roof or a broken window if the hole or the broken window was a result of a storm or extreme weather conditions. If the water damage was due to your negligence, home insurance would not cover it. If you do not know what kind of water damage is covered by your insurance company, go through your policy papers for details.

If there are damages from a storm in your house make sure you dry all the wet areas after the storm has passed away. Provide air circulation to the wet areas cover them with tar if possible to prevent further damage. This will help minimize the possibility of mould growing in your home.

What duty do you have as a homeowner?

It is your duty to keep a check on all fixtures in your home. See to it that they are all maintained well. If there has been any water damage make sure you remedy it as soon as possible. Even a small leakage can lead to mould that would further damage your property. It also causes health hazards like asthma, sinusitis and bronchitis.

Mould damage may be covered but only if it was caused by a leak that grew due to a storm. If your house has built up mould, make sure you get it cleaned professionally. Amateurs may cause it to spread the spores more.

Insurance companies investigate before they can give the policyholders their money for the loss. Adjusters inspect the areas where the damage occurred and they do find out if the leakage had been for over a period of time or if it had been a sudden outburst. So, it is no use lying to the insurance company. Being honest is the only option open to you.

I have a rather unusual situation with a client and a well-known preferred home insurance carrier. What do you think?

One day the insured came home and for whatever reason he leaned against the bathroom wall and it suddenly collapsed.

The sheetrock was soaked and so was the insulation inside the wall and mold and mildew was everywhere. There was a small pin-hole leak in a water pipe that obviously had been leaking for quite some time.

The insured called the insurance company to report the incident, a claim was filed and an adjustor came to look at the damage.

The claim was denied by the insurance company because the standard HO-3 homeowners' policy specifically "Excludes" a loss as the result of a water leak over an extended period of time.

If this had been a sudden erruption of a water line, a leaking dishwasher, or a leaking fill line to the ice-maker, it would have been covered. Because this leak had been "over an extended period of time" it was not covered.

So, are we to lean against all of our walls everyday just to see if we might have a water leak?

Total Comments: 160

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 01:07 pm Post Subject: 14 day seepage exclusion

So what the carrier is saying is that the PH must inspect the home every two weeks even when they are absent or on vacation. I believe that to be an undue burden on a home owner, a rental home owner or any homeowner who takes a vacation longer than 14 days.
What are the courts saying about this in FL?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 03:13 am Post Subject: water seepage where basement floor and wall meet

We just found water on our basement floor. We've never had this problem before. We had a blizzard in February with 33 inches of snow. This weekend it is heavy rain. Will my home owners insurance cover the repair and waterproofing?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 01:01 pm Post Subject: Water damage help please

I had noticed water damage at all my windows after a big storm. So I called my insurance in November. The adjuster came out he said they have a restoration service they use and ask if I would like him to come out. I said yes. First the adjuster arrived and look at all the interior damage and then left. Then the restoration service came out and said there is little to no damage, said it was caused by humidity. I knew better then that so instantly called my builder. He came over tore the siding off and we observed the tape around the window was not torn so the water was leaking any where there was two windows side by side. He the left and sent me a quote two weeks later for 18,000 for repairs. I also had two other builders out with close estimates. Meanwhile the adjuster sent me a check for 1500. I called him and said there was much more damage then that. He said he knew and not to worry about it he would take care of it. I sent him the quote and he did not respond for a month. I called my agent complaining and then a few days later he called my saying he could not pay for anything on the quote. I showed up to his office asking him to explain and show me where it says that he could not pay in my policy. I told him mold was starting to develop I have a 2 kids a 4 month old and a father that does in home dialysis. He said he would come back out so I waited another week and he came out with another restoration service the professional now said the windows are bad and the adjuster said he would pay for the damage caused by the windows but not the windows as they were what caused the damage so I agreed to pay for the windows. So then called the adjuster and he was going to send out the project manager for that restoration service to make sure that was the problem. A few weeks later the guy came out tore the siding off and reveled the same thing my builder found old and faulty window tape that recently let go. This claim was filed on November 5 here it is March 14 and no resolution. The damage has gotten worse since the initial claim date. Also the house was built in 2004 and never had this problem prior. thanks to anyone that can advise.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 01:20 pm Post Subject:

Will my home owners insurance cover the repair and waterproofing?

Certainly immediately call them and turn in the claim..but the thing about water claims, is's wholely dependent upon the where the water came from and how...most (all I've seen) HO policys say a loss must be 'sudden and accidental' and NOT 'gradual deterioration', or some such clearly a pipe bursts, floods the house, that's's covered...however lets say you've got foundation cracks, and ground water comes in...not so much..

This claim was filed on November 5 here it is March 14 and no resolution. The damage has gotten worse since the initial claim date. Also the house was built in 2004 and never had this problem prior. thanks to anyone that can advise.

If I were you'd I'd be on the phone tomorrow filing a complaint with the dept of insurance of your state...immediately! :x

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 01:55 am Post Subject: Water Damage

I do not have flood insurance and I liv in Florida. If a hurricane comes through and tears my roof off and it rains in my house will this be covered under my regular house insurance policy? I am afraid that it won't. Should I purchase flood insurance?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 02:01 pm Post Subject: water leak

In Ga., we had an insurance thru our water company, that would protect us, if we had a leak in the pipes on the outside, can you tell me how we might get in touch with something like that in Tn. They just added the cost to our water bill there. Thanks

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 08:14 pm Post Subject: unusual event

We have a drywell for our pump that pumps up the water to our house. During the last rain storms in the New england area the water seeped in somehow into the drywell and ruined the pump and the well. We were forced to have an new water installed in a different area. We applied for the insurance company to at least cover the cost of a replacement pump and connection which they refused to do. This couldn't have been caused by flooding because we didn't get any water anywhere else in or around the house. We have lived here 40 years and have never had a water problem. We have seepage and mold coverage we have everything including earthquake coverage. I asked for a review of the claim saying I don't believe this to be ground water but they refused. What are my options?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 09:07 pm Post Subject:

What are my options?

File a complaint with your states dept of insurance.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 02:25 pm Post Subject:

I have a roof that need to be repaired, our last major rain storm we a four leaks one of our rooms, I am in the process of repairing the roof but am concerned with the sheetrock that I'm sure is growing mold, will be insurance cover the reapir of the inside damage ?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:34 pm Post Subject:

Jim only if the damage to the roof was covered..

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