First Year renewal x-dates

by Theinsuranceguy » Mon Apr 14, 2008 05:51 pm

Our company is Weekly Homebuyers List. The product that we offer are 1st year renewal x-dates. The advantages of contacting these families on or close to their first homeowner x-date are many.
Key advantages to using first year renewal x-dates
-These families have only been in their home 10 months.
-50 % of these families are new to the state which means that they either went through a bank or builder to get their policy. I'm sure you know as well as I do that by going through a bank or builder they are probably overpaying from the start. This also means that they don't have an agent to talk to either.
-They haven't gotten multiple discounts from their current carrier
-The most important thing is that they haven't built a rapport with their current agent. The bottom line with insurance is that there is always someone cheaper than you. How insurance agents make money is by residuals. Insurance agents are successful by selling themselves by providing great customer service as well as a great product. Price isn't the x-factor as much as it used to be. If you want clients that you can build a long lasting customer relationship with from the start, then first year renewals are the way to go.
If you would like to know how many x-dates are available in your area, give me a call.

Wyatt Halm
Weekly Home Buyers List Inc.

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