Independent Agent Advantage - Sounds Too Good To Be True

by johnnypop » Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:30 am

I found a recruiting ad on craigslist for Independent Agent Advantage. I went to their website and their offer to start your own agency seems a little too good to be true. Anyone ever heard of these guys or work with them?

Total Comments: 25

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 06:58 am Post Subject:

Darn!! I wish I had dropped in here earlier. It seems like someone who doesn't normally sit in on our forum has been snooping around a bit - and seems a bit twisted.

Well then; I think it is only fair to welcome our new guest and hope he will become a frequent visitor.

First of all, Mr. Visitor, put the "insurance company bashing" rhetoric to bed and leave it there. Because I want to be fair, I'll break down my last post and decipher each part independently.

a while back, I had a guy from Independent Agent Advantage actually call me at work with a spiel about starting my own agency.

You have no idea whether or not someone with your company actually called me. Your response is based solely on what you've been told and what you perceive to be company policy. Besides being a licensed Life Insurance Fraud Investigator, I am also a licensed agent. I am required to do so because, according to CA Code, I need to be "Similarly Qualified" to those I'm usually testifying against. How in the world could I offer testimony as an Insurance Expert if I don't even hold an insurance license?

I was, in fact, contacted by someone with your company some time back and would sign an affidavit to that effect. The young man who contacted me might have gotten my name from any number of sources; including the last Life Insurance Fraud Symposium in Newport Beach. I was a guest speaker there and met lots of people.

In case you've never heard of them, HBW is known as the Amway of the insurance industry.

I noticed you didn't dispute this statement. Good, at least we agree on one of my points.

In my opinion, they are a cult of glassy-eyed, sunken-faced dreamers who never sleep and regularly meet to hold hands, stare at the sun, and chant things like "wet on Met and screw Pru."

Okay, you got me on this one. I was obviously referring to your backwoods cousin, Primerica. Please accept my apologies - my mistake.

Now to your post:

Met Life and Prudential are 2 of our main carriers

They are also, by the way, responsible for the two largest lawsuits in the history of the insurance industry. My lawsuits alone have cost MetLife more than $250m.

If Mr InsInvestigator wishes to 'bash' a company with his inaccurate remarks then that is his perogative

Alright, now we're back to my remark about the "cult of glassy-eyed, sunken-faced dreamers who never sleep and regularly meet to hold hands, stare at the sun, and chant things like "wet on Met and screw Pru.""

I admit that was a mistatement and I had your company confused with another. Again, I aplogize.

Mr. Visitor, how long have you been in the insurance business and have you ever worked for any other comapnies? I'm probably going to have to apologize again, but you seem like one of those young, fresh out of college, entrepreneur - types who believes they has a vested interest in saving humanity from dying broke and plans to change all that by selling everyone a life insurance policy. Or do you even sell insurance? By the way, do you know Bob Lotter?

Not that that's a bad idea. However, Art Williams already tried it and what was once his legacy has become just a bad joke.

Again, I apologize for the mistatement and wish you well.

Mark J Colbert, CLU, AEP, CFP
Life Insurance Fraud Investigator

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:34 am Post Subject:

Well....Whadawe got goin' on here?

An Internet Thread WAR!!!

I'll play!

Dear Guest,

AKA anonymous poster.

As a, *SAFE, to have any thread {pun intended} of credibility with me you would have to post using indentifiable information. I have ZERO respect for anonymouse Internet posters.


:P And just for fun please watch THIS movie.

Then afterwards try picking up the phone and making a few sales calls, butt watch the expenses :shock: remember "Client #9?" :shock: :wink:

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:50 pm Post Subject:

ohhhhhhhh saaaaaaamack :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 06:51 am Post Subject:

Hi all.

I must say I've looked into quite a few agency franchises. I started out as a paid employee (no health insurance - no bonuses) for " a good neighbor" after working there for years, I finally wised up to the commissionable side of the biz and realized between myself and another agent we were generating atleast a $90,000.00 a year income for the owner.

Once I caught on to what I was really worth I decided that in order for me to start earning what I was truly worth it would be most advantageous to start my own agency. I checked into becoming a "good neighbor" myself.

Well for 25,000.00 I could!! Too bad that meant atleast a years worth of income to do so. - Not possible for me or most newly independent agents-

I've looked into most other franchise type insurance companies as well...
just as expensive...if not more so.

Personally, I'm very interested in the opportunity offered above. I know how to prospect, present, and close. I don't need my hand held. I just need an extensive portfolio to cover client needs. This group has it. I'm going to give it a try.

Thanks for the information given here and the interesting debate going on.

It made for a good laugh.

See you all at the top!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:59 am Post Subject:

I've personally corresponded with Edward Martin of Independent Agent Advantage and he can be reached at


I found them while searching on the internet for a marketing organization. I was tossing around the idea of contracting with a few new companies, and if I wasn't already licensed...I may have used them to help me get my license.

From what I understand, the $99 also included a software package and everything needed to get set-up. It wasn't a starter package filled with "informational tips" or the such.

In the end, I contracted directly with a few of the companies (Assurant and AARP / Secure Horizons)...but I was impressed that my questions were answered very quickly by Independent Agent Advantage.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 02:39 am Post Subject: Did anyone else happen to notice?

That the only two posters that had positive things to say about this company and its practices were anonymous? Now why would that be? Are they afraid to put their identity where their mouth is?
Deryk Harper
Key Locations Property Management LLC

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:53 pm Post Subject: Regading Agent Advantage

Agent Advantage helps Real Estate Agents sell more homes. They do SEO, Build Websites, and add listings to lots of directories online. Ive used the program and it atleast gave me more leads every month. I like using this more than and would suggest that any new agent or an agent willing to expand should use this program.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 09:04 pm Post Subject:

UK's first transgender family abused by trolls for let five

The Rogers are usually Britain's first two generation transgender family (looks: Daily list)Get the most important daily news stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newsletters

They have suffered trolls' online insults and say other parents refuse to let their kids play with Jayden, Who loves looking nicely put together as Princess Anna from the film Frozen.

One neighbor reported them anonymously to social services.

Greg assumed: "they are saying it's cruel we let her wear a dress.

"Is it not more cruel to do nothing with regard to a kid so adamant she's a girl she's ripping her hair off and banging her head off the walls?

"We sought business advice as Jayden was four when this started. We contacted our overall health visitors, general practitioner, the school, that definitely have offered help,

Mum Jody included: "All we want is for Jayden to be happy and like to show off who she is, Whatever that could be,

Greg and person Jody, for Shotts, to the north Lanarks, Say they have been accused of encouraging Jayden.

Greg, Who transitioned aged 16, asserted: "It's preposterous. Jayden knows not a thing about my past. She just are fully aware me as 'dad'.

Britain first transgender wife and husband to start family

"Having gone through this myself, I have conflicting emotions about her deciding she doesn't want to be a boy. a possibility an easy life.

"I don't think there is a single transgender person across the world who would push that on a child. We can't fix society but we can help Jayden to enjoy who she is.

"I went through horrific amounts of abuse so I'd never abandon a child in a similar situation,

The couple say they buy both boys' and girls' clothing and tell her they will love her even though she wants to be a boy or colombian girls a girl.

Jody met Jayden's biological dad when she was 16 but says her ex has not been involved in the youngster's life.

Single mum Jody then met Greg three years ago after trying online dating service and they set up home together about nine months ago.

Jody knew at all Greg had changed gender aged 16. She exclaimed: "on one occasion I met him, my partner and i no fears. He's just most man,

your beloved lived a "typical life" until they are Jayden, Who was given birth with partial hearing, saved from an ear operation last February.

Jody believed: "She started talking the very first time really and, Weeks further, Told us she hates being a boy and the she's actually a girl.

"She wanted to wear girl's clothes so we decided to be flexible. Some people have trouble with her wearing a dress and Batman shoes,

while some neighbours criticised the couple, an additional added: "while it was a bit odd seeing Jayden in a dress, Nobody cares about it.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:37 pm Post Subject: russian brides

The boundary Plan

foul breath in last week's blog, Sexual sobriety does NOT entail longer sexual abstinence. most often, A 30 at 90 day "cooling off" period of complete abstinence from all sexual behavior, Including self pleasure, Is really helpful when an addict enters treatment mainly to help the addict gain perspective on his or her problematic behaviors but in no way, outline, Or form is ongoing abstinence spend.

realistically, The heavy-lifting of sex addiction recovery is not this short period away from sexual behavior; It is in place the gradual (re)launch of healthy sexuality into the addict's life.

But if sexual sobriety doesn't require total sexual abstinence in how chemical sobriety requires total abstinence from alcohol and addictive drugs, precisely it require?

for the most part, To achieve sexual sobriety sex addicts must define working in conjunction with a knowledgeable sex addiction therapist, A 12 step recovery coordinator, Or some other sexual recovery burden partner the sexual behaviors that do not compromise or destroy the addict's values (fidelity, Not injuring others, or anything else,.,and so.), Life condition (positioning a job, not getting arrested, stop smoking,give up.), And family relationships.

The addict then commits in a written sexual sobriety contract to only engage in sexual behavior that is permitted within the bounds of that fixed pact. As long as the addict's sexual behavior remains within his / her concretely defined boundaries, you is sexually sober. it is essential that these plans be put in writing, and they clearly define the addict's bottom line behaviors to be eliminated.

the actual words of Paul, A 26 year old Emergency Medical Technician addicted to online porn:

In my head I knew that searching for porn at work and after my wife went to bed had to change, That the secrecy and the compulsivity were building problems. But somehow I always ended up convincing myself that I could just look at a little of this and a little of that and quickly I was right back where I started. I would somehow justify why some sexual disruptive behavior was OK for me, regardless that I had previously said it was not. that i used to go online "Just to check email, and after which I'd think, "It's OK if I contact a nonsexual chat room to see who's there, before getting to I knew it, I'd be in a erotic chat room, And then I would find myself checking a porn or prostitution webpage. It wasn't until I wrote down what I needed to convert (agreed upon) And sold on this with my therapist (Created accountability) That I begin to have ongoing sexual sobriety.

a new Sobriety Plan

Sexual sobriety plans are always founded upon the primary personal goals of the people seeking treatment. These goals are then helpful to create a three part written commitment (boundary plan).

region One: The Inner Boundary The Inner Boundary is a bottom line meaning of sexual sobriety, inclusive of concrete and specific sexual behaviors (Not thoughts or dreams) an addict wishes to stop. Placed during this boundary are the most damaging and troublesome sexual acts. If the addict engages in any of these behaviors, individual had a slip and will need to restart his or her sobriety clock (While also doing a thorough examination of what lead to the slip). Bottom line behaviors vary from person to person depending on life circumstances (Single, married, immediately, homosexual, and the like.) Typical Inner Boundary manners include:

element Two: The Middle Boundary The Middle Boundary addresses indicators and slippery situations that can lead a sex addict back to his or her Inner Boundary behaviors. This boundary lists people, stores, And experiences that can trigger consumer to act out sexually.

this time around, These items are unique to every individual. Included on this list are things indirectly related to sexual acting out that may then again trigger the desire to act out. only, Anything that might cause an addict to want to dissociate and therefore reengage in Inner Boundary behaviors belongs in the middle Boundary. Some typical Middle boundary items include:

parts Three: The Outer Boundary The Outer Boundary offers a vision for life messages and positive things to come. It lists healthy deeds, Along with activities that lead the patient toward his or her life goals, case, And objective. the things on this list may be immediate and concrete, this includes "fixing my house" on top of that "Spending extended with my kids, Or potential and less tangible, with regard to "Beginning to know my career goals" and consequently "Having a better attachment with my spouse,

The list should reflect a healthy mixture of work, Recovery, And fun time. If going to a support group three times per week, regular exercise every day, And seeing a therapist once per week is on the list, Then a bit of time with friends, visiting the movies, And engaging in hobbies also have to be on the list. These healthy pleasures are those actions used by the recovering person to replace the intensity of sexual acting out. Some typical Outer Boundary events again, These vary for every person include:

spend more time with my kids

1) the reason a boundary plan is to hold the addict accountable to his or her commitments, Particularly industry by storm challenging circumstances. Unless the person has clearly written boundaries in his or her recovery plan, He or she is at risk of deciding "In the instant" What choices are best and but nevertheless most such impulsive decisions do not lead toward sexual sobriety.

2) Boundary plans are supple. Recovering people often spend a few weeks with a particular set of boundaries and decide they need adjustment. although, Changing a boundary plan is not something the addict should do on their very own; Making changes involves engaging the help of someone who fully sees the addict's problems and their context. Changes to a boundary plan should never be made just because some special situation comes up and the individual decides, In as soon as, That it's make a change. which is not called "altering your plan, it's known as "performance out,

3) If a sex addict is looking to justify the extension of a particular behavior, however he or she knows deep down it is not right and no longer serves a healthy purpose, He or she can nearly always find someone to sign off on that, To agree which was "Never a problem anyway, It is don't forget this that the purpose of creating a boundary plan is not to justify or rationalize previous behaviors (Or a rendition thereof); the purpose is to end sexual acting out.

4) Sex addicts in a relationship need to consider how their new boundaries will affect their spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend. with regard to example, A period of total abstinence for a sex addict may affect that person's partner quite significantly.

dealing with sexual addiction can and usually does foster, with time, A rediscovery of personality. Energy formerly spent on compulsive sexual behavior may now go into family involvement and work. Creativity used to hot russian women facilitate acting out can now be funneled into hobbies, self-care, And healthier encounters. If anybody is married or otherwise in a committed relationship, Healing can bring a deeper comprehension of both the addict's and his or her partner's emotional needs and wants, Encouraging both people to take more risks toward weeknesses and intimacy.

for everyone not in a committed partnership, There is the opportunity to discover true self esteem by making healthy choices regarding commitment, seeing, Romantic joining up, Healthy libido, plus. of course, Sexual recovery pays big dividends over time if the addict is to be able to do the work.

lovemaking Sobriety:

Robert Weiss expert degree, MSW

Robert Weiss phd, MSW is an expert in the management of adult intimacy disorders and related addictions, particularly sex/porn/relationship addictions along with co occurring drug/sex addiction. A clinical sexologist and practicing psychotherapist, doctor. Rob frequently serves as a theme expert for major media outlets including CNN, HLN, MSNBC, posses,The big apple Times, The seattle Times, with NPR, and others.

a competent clinical educator, medical professional. Rob routinely provides training to experienced counselors, doctor's offices, Psychiatric services, And even the US government. recently, He has created and overseen nearly a dozen high end addiction and mental health treatment facilities throughout the world. visit or to reach Dr.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 05:06 am Post Subject:

Finds love after throwing teen boyfriend for double

The couple meet once every couple of weeks, Flying from the US (image: youtube)Get the actual largest daily news girls in colombia stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newsletters

Avalon Garvey, next 19, on Bradford, western side Yorkshire, Has been in a telephone long distance relationship with Doug Traser who is 27 years her senior for two years.

The pair met on an online dating services website in 2016 and immediately hit it off.

Doug, From s. fransisco, ca,arizona, sailed to the UK to meet Avalon after being upfront about his age from day one.

The then 44 year old in a timely manner confessed to having three grown up children from two previous marriages.

It seemed to be love at first sight for Almeda and Gary

Age is also just a number for teenager Gary Hardwick who said it was love at first sight when he saw a nanna 53 years older than him two years ago.

Almeda, that is when 71, And gary Hardwick, after 17, Briefly met two summers ago at her son Robert funeral after he sadly died of a seizure aged 45.

But the couple did not bash properly until two months later when Robert widow Lisa invited them both along to a family meal at a nearby Chuck E Cheese pizza restaurant.

Neither is bothered by huge age gap

Gary had just cracked with another woman aged 77, And admits he knew Almeda was one as soon as he locked eyes with the grandma of six.

Two weeks in their whirlwind romance, Gary popped concern and they tied the knot just six days later.

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