by Guest » Tue Mar 25, 2008 01:27 pm

I was recently in an auto accident ,where the driver ran the red light to make way for a ambulance that was behind her,she claims she had no other choice,however she was at a 3 lane intersection and could have pulled left or right maybe. She totaled my car.She has insurance ,at time of accident I didnt have any,So I am depending on her insurance company,Who decided that they were not taking liability. My lawyer says this,Im leaving everything in thier hands.However her insurance company hasnt supplied rental or anything. So i trust my lawyer.Is thier a good chance that this will turn in my favor,they re-submitted everything last week,and claim that her insurance company has a month to decide. Anyone has any idea on what I should do? I went to therapy,and everything for three weeks.....

Total Comments: 12

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 04:18 am Post Subject: Car Accident in Florida

I was in a car accident with an individual that was uninsured and unfortunately I had only state required insurance. My car was totalled, my insurance company only paid half the amount of what I owe on my car, and I have severe injuries. I have been going to therapy since the accident and the doctor has told me that I need to be off my feet for at least a year to recover. What can I do?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:56 pm Post Subject:

If you were upside down (times 2), and you didn't have gap coverage, you're just going to have to work that out with your lein holder, which of course will put you upside down again...I'd advise you getting the absolute cheapest car you can get, and dig out of this hole. Just an FYI, had the other party had insurance it would've been the same. They would've paid (and only owed) the value of your vehicle NOT your payoff.

As to your injuried (so sorry by the way). Do you have Uninsured motorist coverage? If so then that will apply to your injuries.

I don't suppose the person that hit you has any assets to amount to anything do they?

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