Expatriate insurance?

by lilacsigh » Fri Dec 14, 2007 04:50 am

I just discovered today that expatriate insurance exists. From what I've read you can get policies that will cover you while living or working abroad, usually for anything from six months upwards. Policies covering health, auto and personal property insurance are available and more.

You do need to make arrangements to have it in place before packing up and moving though, not once you've arrived. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of these policies and how they work? They sound as if they'd be worth investigating further. We've often discussed living abroad amongst myself and my siblings when we get to retirement age.

The benefit I see to these kinds of insurances would be dealing with companies you know and terminology you're familiar with. I'd imagine that'd be more straightforward than trying to set it up in a foreign country. Any thoughts on it please?

Total Comments: 6

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 06:49 am Post Subject: yep..lets share something about expats!

My friend, what I've seen during the past few years has really seemed to brighten up ways for the expatriates. There has always been a dirth of good international health policies to cover you up whenever you are going abroad. With the subsequent rise in the prices of treatments, there has been a fall in terms of reliability upon the social health policies. Thats why it has become all the more important for the expatriates to hunt down a better alternative. With the upcoming expatriate policies you would be able to secure your personal belongings, your external liability as well as your disability risks.

If you are an expat staying abroad, it could have disastrous effects on your life if you're trying to identify the right kinda policy whenever you're in a mess. Recently I'd been going through a material stating a co. called Swisscare as a specialist international health carrier, who'd not only cover your basic needs but also a wide range of insurance requirements at one go.
That can always be tasted with time!
Dale A.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 07:24 am Post Subject: Assetsure

I'd once heard about a plan offered by Assetsure. They say that Expatriate Insurance is not just a single product that they are offering. Rather, they feel that it is a concept that could be associated with a number of policies that would benefit all those who stay fit abroad. Thats why they have become specialists at offering you a building & contents insurance for your home abroad (so that the house remains protect at that distant land).

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 07:36 am Post Subject: within a shady juncture

Yes, I'd agree that all the names mentioned over here are quite familiar in the insurance world. But at the same time I'd like you guys to remember one thing - that it is about getting your covered 1000s of miles away & about covering you within a shady juncture. That is why it is all the more important that we all should pick our carrier on the basis of his history at covering continents. This research on his performance should convince us about his knowledge & expertise packaged with a fair price. His offer should project benefits like- taking care of local tax issues & let us choose our sum insured. Atleast, thats what I believe should come pro-actively!


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:25 am Post Subject: Cross state trip

Hi Sasha - you seem to know what you're talking about. I'm in the UK planning a road trip from Boston to San Francisco and have been trying to understand the requirements. There seem to be different min coverage requirements for different states. Do you know what my options are for getting a policy with no fixed address?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 06:00 am Post Subject:

Thank you Dale A, TailormadeCostman and Sasha for sharing your thoughts and very valid opinions on that!

One thing that did occur to me on the negative side was that if you indeed had to make a policy claim, the fact that the insurer is thousands of miles away might make correspondence a little challenging.

On the other hand, we have email and fax facilities worldwide of course. Unless you had to send original documents which would take time to arrive in the mail, that's probably just a small niggle.

I think if you could find an insurer with plenty of experience in that field who has extensive knowledge of the workings of the other country like Sasha said, the positives would outweigh the negatives. It's good to know anyway!

Thanks again to you all for your posts. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:56 am Post Subject: iphone 5

Will there be any type of update from the iPhone 4 to i phone 5 any time it comes out?
Now i'm verifying if an iPhone 4 user is able to upgrade to the actual new iphone five when it comes out. I have had my iphone4 since september of 2010 and i wouldn't like to spend $600 for the i phone 5 when it comes out this summer time.

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