my wifes father had a life insurance policy on her with him

by mrksuggs » Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:44 pm

my wife died in Aug. 2009 and her Father died in Feb. 2010. There was no secondary beneficiary listed. Who gets the insurance moneys?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:52 pm Post Subject:

First of all, sorry about your loss. A good friend of my parents went through this exact same deal. No secondary, money was paid to the children after all financial obligations were met. I would assume if you have no children you would become the beneficiary.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 03:30 pm Post Subject:

my wife died in Aug. 2009 and her Father died in Feb. 2010. There was no secondary beneficiary listed. Who gets the insurance moneys?

As Trench stated, condolences for your losses.

Wasn't a death claim filed in 2009 following your wife's death? Assuming her father was the beneficiary, the money was payable (or paid) to him at that time. If still unpaid at this late date, it remains payable to HIS ESTATE at this time (because he was alive at the time of her death). Once his estate's debts have been settled, any remaining assets will be distributable to heirs in his bloodline. As the spouse of his daughter, you would most likely be excluded, but her children would not.

However, if the death claim has not been made or paid in the past 10 months, I would like to know why so much time has been allowed to elapse?

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