fire loss

by christabell000 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 07:57 pm

The insurance paid us the initial money for the fire loss. If my invoices are equal to or less then the initial amount that I was given for the loss will I still get the money for the depreciation after the invoices are turned into the insurance company??

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:43 am Post Subject:

Is there anything mentioned in your policy papers regarding compensation for 'depreciation'? Did you receive any documentation regarding your first payment? If I'd face a similar consequence, I'd definitely consult with my adjuster.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 07:42 am Post Subject:

The headache is caused by tight muscles in his neck and need to be released for the headache to go away. The stomach on fire is caused by pinched muscles in his back, not because they are pinched but because they are pinched that they are pressing on the nerves going to his stomach. That pressure on those nerves makes the brain think he just ate so it sends in more acid to digest the food. When there isn't any food to digest the acid starts eating the lining of his stomach up, and like any acid will feel like, it feels like fire there. If left as it is he can end up with an ulcer or a bleeding ulcer. The pain can be removed by releasing the muscles in his back so they are pinched to be pressing on the nerves. The loss of hearing can be caused by the tight muscles in his neck, you won't know for sure until he does release those muscles, but it is very likely to be the cause of that. Here is how to release the back and neck muscles to get rid of the pains:

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