If an insurance company screws

by sleepyshepherd » Sat May 11, 2013 07:41 pm

If an insurance company screws up with applying the monthly premium towards SR22 coverage; the result being citations and fines from the police and the courts; time-loss wages; DMV reinstatement fees and other charges incurred because of the foul-up by the insurance company, what is appropriate from the following list:

Insurance coverage for a year (he paid premiums for 1 year), even though he did not know he wasn't covered and insurance company didn't either. PLUS
reimbursement of fines paid to the court for DWS (he was pulled over and found he had no Insurance).
Reimbursement of the reinstatement costs paid to the DMV
Time Lost wages when license remained suspended while insurance company sorted out their mess.
Eviction and relocation costs, his uninsured/DWS charges grounded him from getting to work and resulted in non-payment of rent eviction.

My main question is that all of the above occurred, but can he ask for and expect coverage for the year he paid for but did not have, and reimbursement of the court fines and DMV reinstatement fees too? The insurance company acknowledges that he was insured when he was erroneously suspended and fined, they wrote a statement of experience saying he was covered but they do not offer compensation for all the monies my son is out, nor do they offer insurance coverage for the entire year, only the months beginning from when he was cited up to when the insurance company realized their mistake and renewed his policy (about four months). Is he entitled to a year's coverage and reimbursement of fines and reinstatement fees or just one or the other?

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 04:57 am Post Subject:

Which state does your son reside in? Are you aware of your state's SR22 laws? Does your son have any proofs of payments he made to the insurer?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 06:12 am Post Subject:

Oregon, and yes because the insurance took the premiums directly from his bank account for a year and did not apply the insurance to his car or him period; they somehow got his sister's car as the insured on the policy.

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