wanting to become a licensed insurance adjuster in texas

by jlovett185 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 04:33 am

i have been in construction all my life and am considering becoming a licensed insurance adjuster. i know a lot of people that do it as part time during times of natural disaster. they seem to make a lot of money when they are gone. i have checked into courses to help get my license but am curious still on what i do after i get it. if i was to take off to a recent hurricane do i have to be employed with one insurance company or would several companies use one person like a sub contractor. thanks for your help

Total Comments: 48

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 07:32 pm Post Subject:

does anyone know on how to get started on becoming a public adjuster in texas. step ny step or a web site

PLEASE re-think that occupation.. :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 02:38 am Post Subject: wanting to become a licensed adjuster

I went through Texas Insurance Academy. Very helpful and experienced.
My brother went through another school, but it was what I'd call an adjuster mill. Rushed through and no service after the sale.

I'm a roofer and have been for 12 years. Going through the All lines adjuster course helped me communicate more effectively with the guys who write the check if you know what I mean. I'd look up Jim at TIA, Texas Insurance Academy. He'll point you in the right direction and if he can't he'll tell you how to get the info you need. Good luck!!



Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 02:24 am Post Subject: Newby here

Ok..so on Monday..I'm going to meet with a local public adjuster company..I've already gone through their orientation. It seems as if they are going to rush me through training..then provide minimal oppertunities for work after I get my license. My questions..
1.) Is it really hard to find work on your own if the company you work for does not provide this?
2.) I know I have to get bonded..with just a so/so financial background..will I find this difficult to achieve?
3.) Is it possible, once licensed to work on your own? As your own little business?

Thanks a bunch!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 04:58 am Post Subject:

Well, the answers to the above mentioned questions would greatly depend upon the contract that you have to sign with the employer. Hence, don't forget to read between the lines.

Regarding finding enough jobs...well, that would greatly depend upon the market and the line of insurance claims that you would be pursuing.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 09:58 am Post Subject:

1.) Is it really hard to find work on your own if the company you work for does not provide this?

I would think so, and what about a liabililty policy?

2.) I know I have to get bonded..with just a so/so financial background..will I find this difficult to achieve?

probably depending on the underwriting of the company issueing the bond..and if your credit is 'iffy' then yep..

3.) Is it possible, once licensed to work on your own? As your own little business?

Sure, but again, you'd need to look into buisness licenses, ins etc..also better read their contract with you (if they have one) bet it has a 'no compete' claus...in which case, you likely cannot go out on your own anyway for some length of time, or have to be certain miles away..

Md, I'll bet you're in Florida aren't you?

It seems as if they are going to rush me through training.

I'm sure they are...are you saying that their training is only taking a few days? :roll: Honey, please listen to me...in the field of ins...and adjusters that are either independent or company adjusters...claims and ins in general...'public' adjusters are not well thought of at all and many companys are well scummy would be a nice way of putting it...I'm concerned that with that (public adjuster) the only thing on your resume (claims wise) you'll be lucky to ever be hired by a 'real' company (ie ins. carrier or independent company)...do you have ANY prior adjusting or claims experience? Did you get the feeling that this company hires most of the applicants?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 06:11 pm Post Subject: thanks

Thanks for the info! The training doesn't take a few days..not so sure where that came from..it's a pretty long process..but look forward to the challenge..I'll let you all know how it goes~!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 06:12 pm Post Subject: forgot

Lori..I forgot to let you know that I'm in NJ..not Florida..I guess Florida gets a bad rap in this industry?


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 01:09 am Post Subject:

The training doesn't take a few days..not so sure where that came from..

well silly, this is where it came from, when YOU said, :wink:

It seems as if they are going to rush me through training

I guess Florida gets a bad rap in this industry?

well, no not really, but they do seem to be the 'home' of the public adjuster...(tons of 'em) :wink:

Let us know how it goes...and good luck.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:55 pm Post Subject: Background Checks

How important is your credit rating when applying for an adjuster license?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 01:09 pm Post Subject:

Katla, it can be very important to a company that may hire you...but I'm not certain as to a license, if you'll check your states dept of ins website it should have some info regarding this there..

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