car acc info

by rdmg45 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 07:39 am
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Aug 2012

i have never been in an acc. were i was hurt before until aweek ago , both vel. were totaled and the other drivers ins. is taking 100% il i already recived a check for my pickup and was a very good sttlement. but i have a broken left ulna witch required surgery last fri for a plate and screws , i am left handed and my job demands that i use my hands (carpenter) , im not looking to get rich or screw anyone im just looking for a reasonable p&s number. the insurance co. has given me a wage comp sheet to give to my employer and has contacted the hospital for records..and i know its early in to see what kind of damage is long term. i seen other forums talk about getting info on settlements of like cases in your area . but how do i do that without an att. this all happened in indiana

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