Will I get claims money?

by Guest » Thu Sep 29, 2011 08:34 am

5 days back a young and drunk driver smashed my parked car. It’s a Nissan skyline and I have had a quote of 11,000 to fix it and the car is only worth that much.

My insurance has lapsed but he has insurance. I think it was 3rd party and property damage his car is a total loss but am I going to get any money because he was drunk and he caused my total loss?

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 08:51 am Post Subject:

Most probably ‘Yes’. Though it depends on the police record and what it says.
If the driver is proved to be under the influence of intoxication and was not caused by any other driver to veer into your car then you should get covered for your loses by his insurance.
You also mention that you don’t have an auto policy; it’s not very legal to drive without any coverage at all. But this might not create a hindrance in getting your claims.

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