fires stems from the growing trend to deep fry turkeys

by ujcklxkdhot » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:15 pm

Did you know that the average number of house fires DOUBLES on Thanksgiving Day – cooking is the leading culprit of these fires…so you may not want to try and channel your inner Paula Dean, Gary Vaynerchuk's great new book "The Thank You Economy" came out yesterday. The book is a big wet kiss to customers everywhere. From where Gary sits,I repeatedly watched, while working in Senate, Fannie/Freddie invoke their “private” nature in order to avoid regulation while invoking their “public” nature to gain protection and privilege.

The result was little accountability from either the market or the government (our largest banks currently enjoy a smaller version). Of course, one of the primary differences in debates over financial regulation is the degree to which one believes that either the market or government provides accountability. Setting aside those debates, we should all be able to agree that companies should be either private or government. That the mixing of the two, government sponsored enterprises, is a recipe for avoiding accountability and transparency. But then I suspect that might have been the intent all along. Monstrous moral hybrids by design. anyone who doesn't prioritize customers and the customer experience is making a huge mistake.

His book talks to the importance of using technology to understanding your customers and deliver a personalized experience -- not a generic "thank you," but rather a "thank you" that knows who your best customers are and how best to thank Moncler
them.unless you’ve trained her well. One of the largest incidents of these home fires stems from the growing trend to deep fry turkeys. Deep frying seems like a good option because: 1) it takes a lot less time to cook the turkey than baking it and 2) you have a better chance of having a beautifully moist turkey; and if you’ve eaten your fair share of over-baked turkey, you may want to convert to the fryer.

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